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    Infinity is available, but not tangible; the Guru is both infinite and tangible. The divine is impersonal; Guru is both personal and divine- the impersonal personified for your benefit.   ...
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    A Satguru is one who makes you aware of yourself, who gives you the knowledge of who you really are.   ...
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    What happens in a Guru’s presence? You become more alive. Every cell in your body becomes more alive. Guru invokes and awakes the intelligence, not just the intellect. The pinnacle of intellect is intelligence. ...
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    A Master or a Guru does not remove the doubt, but He creates more doubt. The more you burn in the fire of doubt, the more strong you come out to be.   ...
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    A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are. This is your highest possibility.   ...
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    God, Guru and Self are synonymous, they are the same.   ...
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    See the Guru as beyond a personality. See the Being; see the hollow and empty, ever-full presence.   ...
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    A Guru does not simply stuff you with knowledge, but He kindles life force in you.   ...
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    Guru is the infinite love in a bodily form.   ...
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    Guru is someone so vast yet tangible and available. ...