Celebrate International Day of Yoga

Yoga has, largely, been promoted as the art of flexing your body in painfully twisted postures. Yet there’s more than what appears on the surface. Yoga is an ancient art that invigorates the life force within you: a blend of asanas (poses) that strengthen the body and practical knowledge that uplifts the mind. Add a sprinkle of meditation and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a healthy lifestyle that beats daily stress, anxiety and plenty other conditions.

On this International Yoga Day, come celebrate the glory of yoga and understand the finer aspects of this ancient art with one of the foremost spiritual leaders of our times - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Implement the power of yoga in your life, and boost productivity, make your relationships more fulfilling and enliven your spiritual quotient.

Date 21 Jun'16
Time 19:15 - 21:15
Venue At Ramada Plaza, Desguinlei 94, 2018, Antwerpen

"Yoga takes you close to your true nature. Yoga with its techniques helps you to harmonize with nature. Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What to expect?

Unpacking Yoga

For starters, let’s begin with understanding the real meaning of yoga. How does yoga affect your logical reasoning and intuitive skills? How does it revitalize passion and restore confidence? And many more dimensions. Endless possibilities, remember?

Tasting Meditation

This part of the session will bring your body and mind to a state of deep rest that relieves stress and re-energizes you. Learn the art of mastering the mind and cruising through nothingness.

Get chatty

Join in for an interactive session with Gurudev. From yoga, meditation and spirituality to absolutely anything under the sun: Gurudev’s wit and wisdom will uplift your understanding of life.

Interact with a Global Spiritual Leader

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian leader, a spiritual teacher, and an ambassador of peace. His vision of a stress-free, violence-free society has united millions of people the world over through service projects and the courses of The Art of Living.

Numerous honors have been bestowed upon Gurudev, including the highest civilian awards of Colombia, Mongolia and Paraguay. He is the recipient of the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian award and has also been conferred with 15 honorary doctorates from around the world.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tirelessly advocates for harmonious co-existence among people by spreading the message of love, compassion, and non-violence. Whether it is speaking to the parliament in Argentina, business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Europe, delegates at the United Nations, or Muslim and Hindu leaders, Gurudev emphasizes common human values and unity among people.

 At the 2nd International Yoga Day celebrations, Gurudev will offer insights on yoga. Here’s your chance to understand yoga in a new light and get your questions answered.