Meditation for Academic Excellence | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

How to overcome exam fear

Have you ever wondered why some students stay relaxed and focused and while others get anxious during studies and exam time? Call it coming of age or gaining self-confidence, it all comes at its own pace when we are growing up. Is there a way to fastrack the process of mastering one’s mind, thoughts and emotions? Is there a way studies and exams can be made simple?

The answer is simply yes. We are blessed to be in times when a lot of research, tools and processes are available to help students. One of the tools is meditation. Meditation practice at a young age can improve concentration, channelize energies, boost memory and hugely help in performance in studies, sports and extra-curricular activities.

“Studies? Oh they are simple!”

“I’m not scared of exams anymore!”

“Who needs revision? I’ve read it once and I’m done!”

No, you are not dreaming. Neither is this student crazy nor are these ideas far-fetched. This has happened to several kids like you and you could be the next one too. Magic? Yes, the magic of meditation makes it possible, brings a U–turn in the life of an average student.

6 Benefits of Meditation for studying

1. Boosts concentration

If you find it hard to concentrate on studies, a few minutes of daily meditation can help. Meditation helps bring the mind to the present moment and channelizes the energies. As a result, you are able to focus on your studies better.

Student Speaks: In my last year of engineering, I felt pressurized to perform as all my friends were getting interview calls. I observed that one of my juniors, who was an average student and who had recently done a meditation course, was easily able to solve an engineering design problem. This tempted me to try meditation myself. My concentration improved. I used to be extremely nervous during viva exams, now I could answer confidently with a smile. – Sylaja Kannan

2. Fewer revisions needed

With meditation, your concentration improves, you are able to grasp things faster, your memory sharpens and you might need lesser number of revisions than before or sometimes no revision at all! Many student-meditators share that the first read is enough to retain the main points.

Add intuition to this and that makes you an absolute winner, Art of Living organization offers an Intuition Process. The Intuition Process activates brain and helps students to intuitively know things. Sounds impossible! Yet it is no magic but ancient knowledge, unlocked to make a child blossom.

Student Speaks: In the first six months of meditation, the number of revisions reduced from three times to once. After one year of meditation, no revisions were needed at all! I feel so confident to appear for exams now. – Sakshi Babar

3. Confidence takes a leap

Do you feel nervous at the thought of sharing your ideas in a class? How many times did you know the answer but hesitated from raising your hand?

If you’re already saying yes, yes - then make meditation your best friend and experience better self-confidence. Meditation can be done at any age. Art of living foundation offers a simple meditation technique to improve concentration and memory while studying, called Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

Mohit Sharma

Student Speaks: Meditation has given me a sense of satisfaction. I know that I give in my 100 percent in the exams and I’m not bothered about results anymore. I’m satisfied with my performance. – Vikas Kumar

Guided meditation for studying

4. Brings out hidden talents

Meditation works at a very subtle level nurturing hidden talents in us. With regular practice, you will see your creative side opening up bringing a greater interest and performance in extra-curricular activities as well.

Student Speaks: I was never interested in studies but meditation helped me develop other skills. I gained confidence and started participating in college activities. I also developed the skill to be in the company of all kinds of people and yet maintain my dignity. The best was how after an exhausting day, I would come back, meditate and feel as though I’ve slept for three-four hours and get back to my studies. – Jasraj Suthar

5. No fear of exams

Meditation reduces exam fear and anxiety. It awakens a realization within that life is much more than just exams and results. They are not the end of the world. So what if you are just an average student or fail to fare well in exams? You can be excellent in so many other activities and meditation helps you explore and develop that unique potential in you.

Student Speaks: My friends and I study together for exams. In fact, I always spend so much time having fun, keep troubling them and even study less than them but I always end up getting better results than them. I’m no longer tense when I watch my friends studying keenly. I don’t compare myself with them now. I don’t even feel exams as exams anymore! – Priyanka Lal

6. Better results

Last, but definitely the most important: with meditation, exam results can get better or in some cases, even shoot up significantly. You might be surprised yourself! With effortless improvement in memory and concentration, peaceful and confident state of mind, who fears exams?

Even teachers vouch for it!

Student Speaks: I had a problem grasping things. I would memorize something and then forget it the next moment. With meditation, my memory sharpened like anything, I was now able to study more in less time and the exam results just shot up. There was a huge leap! – Hitanshi Sachdev

See pie charts below showing results of a survey on 30 students:

Meditation and Academic Excellence










Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's wisdom talks