Why Your Meditation Might Not Work | 6 Reasons | Sleeping, working, eating, technique, practice | Quick meditation tips | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

6 reasons why your meditation might not be working

Lava and Kusha are best friends. They enjoy doing everything together. So naturally, when Lava joins a meditation course, Kusha also wants to follow suit. However, Kusha’s schedule does not allow him to join a class. So, he decides to meditate on his own. However, his experiences are not quite as blissful as Lava’s.

Let’s follow Kusha’s routine to understand more.

Day 1: Having observed Lava meditate, Kusha sits with his eyes closed for 20 minutes. His mind immediately starts churning up to-do lists for the rest of the day and week. Consequently, he emerges from his meditation feeling disappointed and confused. His experience was neither uplifting nor restful.

Day 4: He decides to attempt the meditation again a couple of days later. Despite trying ‘very hard’, he has the same ‘Day 1’ experience. This time he feels even more frustrated, since this is his second failed attempt. 

Day 6: Not yet willing to give up, he decides to try it one more time. He finds time post dinner at 11:30 PM. As soon as his eyes close for meditation, he dozes off. He only awakens 20 minutes later courtesy his alarm. He feels heavy, groggy and tired. This time, he concludes that  meditation just does not work for him.

Do you see any parallels between Kusha’s experiences and yours? Do you also find it hard to meditate?

If you do, let’s try to understand what went wrong with Kusha by answering some simple questions. You may find your own solutions in the process.

6 keys to unlock a blissful meditation



Q1. Did Kusha have as much faith in the meditation technique as Lava?

Faith moves mountains. It appears that Kusha lost faith very soon and was hence unable to meditate.

It is very important to believe in any practice for it to work for you. When you believe, you will be able to reap the rewards sooner rather than later.

Q2. Was Kusha’s approach to meditation correct?

Kusha tried to meditate on his own. If he had joined a course, he would have received guidance during his struggle.

Meditation is best learnt as a formal course from an instructor. This way, you will have someone to turn to, when you face any difficulty while meditating.

Also, with the correct meditation technique, you can experience the various benefits of meditation.

Q3. Was Kusha regular in his practice?

You may have noticed that Kusha’s attempts at meditation were intermittent. The value of meditation is immense, but to enjoy its benefits you need to be consistent. Try to set aside a time for daily meditation and be committed. Do not expect results in a day or even in a week. Be dedicated and be in it for the long term. Meditation will power up your life in more ways than you can imagine.

Q4. Was Kusha trying too hard to make it happen?

Perhaps he was. Meditation does not require you to work hard and get stressed. Sometimes, the expectation of a blissful experience can cause difficulty in meditating effectively. Just drop all expectations when you sit to meditate. And accept all your experiences without comparing one with the other.

Some may seem more relaxing than others. That’s fine! Just relax! Keep meditating! And do keep in mind that meditation works on you in subtle ways. In those 20 minutes of meditation, there will come a point when you transcend thoughts and reach a higher plane. Only if you are regular with your practice though!

Q5. Were Kusha’s eating habits conducive to meditation?

You should meditate on a light or empty stomach.

It is definitely not a good idea to meditate after a heavy meal. This was one of the reasons behind Kusha’s lack of success.

Food habits play a large role in deciding the quality of your meditations. Avoid caffeinated drinks; sweet and spicy items; junk and non vegetarian food.

Make healthy food choices and clear the way for blissful meditations!

Q6. Is 11:30 PM meditation time or bed time?

Many of us lead hectic lives today. Apparently, Kusha did too.

Sometimes, it may be difficult to set aside time during the day for meditation. All the same, midnight is not suitable! Try to choose a time before lunch or dinner, so you don’t nod off during meditation. You may also find early evenings convenient.


Quick Meditation Tips

Here are some quick pointers that can help you overcome difficulties when you meditate.

1. Choose a quiet place. Don’t try to meditate in the midst of a din.

2. Choose a comfortable time when you can spare twenty minutes.

3. Meditate in a group, it will motivate and encourage you.

4. Don’t judge or compare your meditation sessions with those of others. Every experience is unique and special.

5. When you are happy and free, meditate. However, when you are sad and busy, definitely meditate! It helps elevate your mood.

Go over these ideas and pointers, the next time you are unable to meditate. Perhaps, some of them will help you deal with an unsatisfactory meditation session.

Remember that once you resolve to meditate regularly, meditation will happen. Come what may! 

Many guided meditations with Gurudev are available online. There is also a Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program which can pretty much transform your life.

Find a Sri Sri Yoga program at an Art of Living Center near you.

Do you need information on programs? Would you like to share your feedback? Write to us at info@srisriyoga.in