Кликни и виж всяко едно от мобилните приложения. Всички мобилни приложения са на английски език (освен, ако не е упоменато, че са на друг език). В момента Изкуството да живееш все още няма мобилно приложение на български език.
Wisdom by Sri Sri delivers daily quotes and inspiration that are words of profound wisdom. It will illuminate the intellect, touch the heart and provide practical guidance for life. It will also uplift your mind, leaden you to a life that radiates the light of inner joy.
Wisdom by Sri Sri delivers daily quotes and inspiration that are words of profound wisdom. It will illuminate the intellect, touch the heart and provide practical guidance for life. It will also uplift your mind, leaden you to a life that radiates the light of inner joy.
The official Art of Living app is your complete source of knowledge and teachings from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The app brings together an assorted selection of articles, videos and audios from the Art of Living foundation.
The official Art of Living app is your complete source of knowledge and teachings from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The app brings together an assorted selection of articles, videos and audios from the Art of Living foundation.
The official Art of Living app is your complete source of knowledge and teachings from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The app brings together an assorted selection of articles, videos and audios from the Art of Living foundation.
This App is designed to help you be in a space of gratitude when you are happy and drop botherations when you are sad. Get ready to experience true and divine happiness!
This App is designed to help you be in a space of gratitude when you are happy and drop botherations when you are sad. Get ready to experience true and divine happiness!
This app has updates of wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Facebook updates from facebook.com/SriSriRaviShankar, facebook.com/wisdomfromsrisri Latest tweets from Sri Sri from http://www.twitter.com/SriSri It includes Quotes, QA with Sri Sri, Wisdom posts of Knowledge Sessions with Sri Sri. Tour Schedule of Sri Sri and more..
Why do you want to keep problem to yourself? Drop it here before going.You can come here with problem but you can’t go back with your problems - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar You can seek blessings via this Blessings App.
This Japa / Chanting App gives user the option to use the Android Phone as a Rosary for chanting any mantras that he / she likes.
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