Peace Is The First Step Towards God | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

Peace Is The First
Step Towards God

28.04.2012 Turkey

Bad Antogast, Germany

(Gurudev says, looking through the questions in the question basket)
I am looking for a brilliant question to start with.
All questions are the same. In fact every question produces only one result when one hears the right answer.
When you hear the right answer, what do you say? ‘Yes, I agree’.
If it is not the right answer and you cannot say, ‘Yes I agree’, you will say, ‘No that is the wrong answer.’
But whenever you get the right answer what do you say? You say, ‘Yes.’
So, every answer is supposed to bring in the ‘Yes’ mind, if it is the correct answer. But if every answer creates more questions, then it is an endless journey.
In one way, it is good because it is an intellectual exercise, but beyond that it is nothing. Just some entertainment, that is all.

You use the intellect. Use it fully, but also know that the intellect is not all that is. The truth is beyond that; one step ahead of it.

But then, should there be no questions at all? No, it is necessary. Intellectual stimulation is essential. The intellect is a very important part. Even in the most ancient scripture, Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna gives all the knowledge and then finally says, ‘You think, discriminate and decide what is best for you’.
Then He says, ‘But remember one thing, I will only say what is good for you, and you will only pick up what I say.’
This dialogue between the student and the master is very interesting. Everyone should read it at least once in their life.
When the great scientists of the world, including Einstein, read it, they said that their lives were transformed because they had always been told not to ask questions. Religion and faith always meant don’t ask questions but blindly follow. But the Yoga Vedanta philosophy doesn't say that. It doesn't shun the intellect. It says, ‘You use the intellect. Use it fully, but also know that the intellect is not all that is. The truth is beyond that; one step ahead of it.’
So don't be stuck in the intellect but at the same time, definitely make the intellect shine. Devotion and love is going beyond the intellect by satisfying the intellect.

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