There Is No Need To Keep Talking | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

There Is No Need
To Keep Talking


Tokyo, Japan

We are a global family. I would like to create waves of happiness in Japan. You should all get together to bring glory to the youth of this country.

I always say, wherever I go in the world that we have to learn teamwork from Japan. By area Japan is a small country, but it is very prominent in the world. This is because of the quality of the work, and the commitment that the people and culture have.
It is the culture of this country which has made Japan a shining star amongst the different nations.
In a globalized world, the youth tend to lose their culture, they tend to move according to the western culture. I would say that we should maintain our original culture, and also have a broad outlook.

This morning, I went to the Shinto shrine. It was so beautiful to see the tradition, to see the ceremonies that they do. I was so impressed. It reminded me of the ancient Vedic tradition which is very similar. So we need to strengthen the roots and at the same time take the good from everywhere else in the world.
Japan has done this. It has maintained Shinto tradition, as well as developed Zen Buddhism when it came from India.
In the East we have never been fanatic. We are very open minded, yet very strongly rooted in our own culture.

My dream is to see the whole world unite as one family. I want to see a smile on every face. I want to see a smile on everyone’s face. So shall we all commit ourselves to create waves of happiness?

I think Buddhism first came to Japan about 1300 years ago, in the seventh century. Meditation is something which is common to people all over the world.
I was pleased to hear something about the 2 lions in the Shinto shrine. One says, ‘Aaa’, and the other says, ‘Mmmm’. One is the beginning and the other the end. That is the word Om.
Om is the most ancient sound. It is the primordial sound which is part of all Eastern cultures.
It is also there in a slightly different way in the Western cultures too, as, Amen, Aamin. Om is present in some form there too. It is a universal sound.
You know, my dream is to see the whole world unite as one family. I want to see a smile on every face.
I was told today that there are so many people jumping onto the tracks in the metro station. So much so, that they had to put up a barricade to prevent people from going near the tracks before the train arrives. It is a good idea, but it is not the best idea, as people can still jump if they want to jump.
So the best way to prevent people from jumping onto the tracks to kill themselves, is not just with barricades. But we need to make them go inwards and meditate. We have come up with very simple techniques for meditation which can help people to smile again. I want to see a smile on everyone’s face. So shall we all commit ourselves to create waves of happiness? (Audience applauds and says, ‘Yes’)
Let us bring a smile on everybody’s face. This is what we should do.

If we all work towards it collectively, we can bring a smile on everyone’s face. Money alone cannot do this. We have to be informal and connect with each other. That is necessary.
I would like everyone to come out of their apartments every Sunday for an hour, sit with each other, talk to each other, sing and share a snack for breakfast. This can make a difference.
Sing a couple of songs together, any songs you feel like. Do some group singing, sit together and meditate for 10-15 minutes, do some yoga or exercises together, share a meal together; we can do all these things in 45 minutes to an hour.
If this is done in every apartment building, a wave of happiness will be created. A sense of belongingness will be has developed. What do you say? Share a few good jokes!

We all have huge space inside of us. All intuition and creativity comes from that space.

Today is the birthday of a great saint from India, called Mahavir. He was a contemporary of Lord Buddha. Buddha Purinma, i.e., Buddha’s birthday is coming soon.
Lord Mahaveera stood for non-violence. He also said, ‘Anekantvada’, which means that there are so many possibilities. The world is full of possibilities. This is really needed today. If people understand this, there will be no terrorism in the world. There will be no fanaticsm.

Make your personality such that nothing whatsoever can throw you off balance, disturb you or take your smile away. If you make your personality like that, you will be welcomed everywhere in the world. That is a sign of success.

I believe, Buddha and Mahavira were from the same town. They knew about each other, but they never met. Someone asked them, ‘Why don't you meet?’
They replied, ‘There is no need, as we are already connected.’
You know, in the state of enlightenment, even though the ways are different, the soul is the same. There is no distance.
There is another version in history that they met, but did not speak to each other at all. They just met and went their ways. Here too, it is said that there was no need for verbal communication. When heart meets heart and soul meets soul, there is no need to keep talking.
When hearts meet, there is no barrier. No language barrier, no words, nothing comes in between. When two people are in the head, they could be talking about the same thing, but it would appear like a fight.

I wish the students who are here a bright career, and a bright future. You all should become good politicians, good businessmen, good professionals, doctors and engineers.
The basis of all this (spiritual practices) is to broaden your vision and keep the happiness factor inside you. I want the youth to radiate such smiles and confidence that nobody can take away. There are many eminent people here to guide you.

I want to tell you something which I want you to keep with you. Make your personality such that nothing whatsoever can throw you off balance, disturb you or take your smile away. If you make your personality like that, you will be welcomed everywhere in the world. That is a sign of success.
The Art of Living is there to help you and guide you, to bring up such a personality. We have a number of very good workshops for youth and also for older people.

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