What Sri Sri said today archive
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Learn To Look Beyond
Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post Everything Is An Expansion Of That One) Lord Krishna says, ‘Sa taya shraddhaya yuktas tasyaradhanam ihate. Labhate cha tathah kaman mayaiva vihitan hi tan’. (7.22) Whatever we receive in life is because ... -
What Really is Sin?
Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post Learn To Look Beyond) He continues further by saying, 'Iccha-dvesha-samutthena dvandva-mohenabharata. Sarva-bhutanisammohamsargeyantiparantapa'. (7.27) When someone is caught up in Raaga (intense cravi ... -
Don’t Harm Yourself
Bangalore, India Dear Gurudev, when someone insults me, I simply accept it with a feeling of love, and I do not retaliate. Am I in some way encouraging injustice by doing this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, we must never support injustice. You can forgive the ... -
After Several Lifetimes
Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post Removing Fear) Lord Krishna says, ‘Tesham jnani nitya-yukta eka-bhaktir vishishyate. Priyo hi jnanino 'tyartham aham sa cha mama priyah. Udarah sarva evaite jnani tv-atmaiva me matam’. (7.17) Lord Krish ... -
Everything Is An Expansion Of That One
Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post After Several Lifetimes) Today is Shankara Jayanti. It is Shri Adi Shankaracharya’s birthday (the greatest Guru of the Advaita school of Indian philosophy). Adi Shankaracharya propagated the teachings o ... -
What Is It That Makes You Miserable?
Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post The Secret to Great Strength) A great scientist called Professor D’Hoore had come here to the Ashram. He is a Scientist and an expert in physics. He said that this Universe is held together by three for ... -
The Untrue Reality
(Below is a continuation of the post What is it That Makes You Miserable?) The influence of Maya is so vast that no matter where you go, you find yourself under its influence. The moment you feel you have freed yourself from one trap (of Maya), you find y ... -
Removing Fear
(Below is a continuation of the post A True And Simple Fact) In the next verse, Lord Krishna explains further, ‘Chatur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtino 'rjuna. Arto jijnasur artharthi jnani cha bharata-rsabha’. (7.16) It has never happened that someone w ... -
A True And Simple Fact
Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post The Untrue Reality) The next verse is,‘Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah. Mayayapahrta-jnana asuram bhavam asritah’. When you behave with others in a way you would not like others to behave ... -
Seeing Perfection In The Not-So-Perfect
Bangalore, India Today we have launched the project of the Kumudvathi River. The Volunteer For A Better India (VBI), have done a wonderful job in rejuvenating a river which had dried out, and which was a source of water for Bangalore city. Now once this is ...