Kiev, Ukraine
We have to spread the joy, the bliss that we have found. More and more people will have to know that there is so much to life. What we know about life is only a little bit. What one has to fathom is a lot. This knowledge is so precious, isn’t it?
See, we think that the mind is inside the body. No, the body is inside the mind. The body is like the wick of a candle. Mind is like the glow all around. The more relaxed you are the more the mind expands and becomes bigger. The more fulfilled and satisfied the mind is, that much bigger and brighter you are.
Gurudev, in Kiev, there are bodies of more than a hundred holy men. Can you say something about it?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Saint is not the body. Saint is the spirit. Body got formed out of all the vegetables, grains and all the food. It has been there from ages. Every atom of the body belongs to the planet Earth. It comes from it and goes back into it. But the spirit is very important. The spirit is all permeating.
These bodies don’t decay. They stay as they were.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Yes, it is the devotion. The more devotion and love there is, it transforms every cell of our body and it creates such radiance.
Wherever there is faith, miracles do happen. Don’t think the spirit is attached only to the body. The spirit is all permeating. So, wherever you are, when you think, you are already connected to the spirit.
Our bodies are like television boxes. The real energy is the frequency of the channel. So, when you switch on the television, you see the channel but the channel is not just in the television. It is all over the room.
How to get rid of negative habits of the mind?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Good company.
The real friend is one with whom you sit for some time, you talk negative and then you turn positive. A bad friend is one with whom you talk a little negative and the negativity becomes much bigger.
So, first is good company, second is pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya and meditation and third is to cleanse the body.
Sometimes, if your bowel movements are not good, if your intestine is hard, it affects the head also. Sometimes, you need to do some cleansing of the body as well. Cleanse the toxins or go on a diet. Ayurveda, Panchakarma – all these will help.
Why do diseases come into our life? What is their purpose?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
: It is because we are violating the laws of nature. We eat what we should not eat, or eat too much. We do not take good care of the environment. There are so many (telecommunication) towers everywhere. There is so much radiation. All this affects us. Also, if the mind is stressed, the immune system goes down.
What do we live for?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
First, make a list of what you don’t live for. The purpose of life is not to be miserable and make others life miserable. Isn’t it so?
Then what is the purpose? How can we bring more happiness to the lives of others? How can we get connected to our inner being, our inner self? Find out who we are? That is spirituality and you are in the right place.
How to prepare the mind and heart to get a Divine child?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Be like a child. Be like a baby. No inhibition, prejudice. Be simple, natural. That is it!
I was thinking that my destiny is to give people joy through music, through singing so that they become more uplifted.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Life is incomplete without music but music is not everything in life. So, music is one thing. You have other things to do in life. Do that. But, among all these things, the first is wisdom. Wisdom is very important. Spiritual knowledge is very important.
I am pained about my son who is addicted to gambling.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
You have one son; I have millions of sons like that, who are addicted to all the wrong things. Wake up and see how you can help out other people like your son. This pain is in you so that you can do something about it; something for the society, for other kids.