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  1. Gurudev, many times while doing seva, the sense of doership starts arising within me? Would I lose the merit of doing the seva if I feel this way?

    No! Don’t worry about it. Thinking whether you would lose the merit of doing seva is a bigger problem. Just be natural. Even if the ego comes, what’s wrong with it? Let it be! Keep it aside somewhere. You don’t need to show it others, ...
  2. Gurudev, when we are in pain, we are centered. But when we are happy, we move away from this centeredness. How should we remain happy and centered at the same time?

    Yes, this is a good question. When we are happy, we experience a sense of expansion; the mind expands, And when we are miserable, we experience a certain depth. That ,is why, whether you experience happiness or sorrow in life, treat both as equal, becau ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, I want to surrender my ego, but I fear that in doing so, I will lose my self-respect. Please guide.

    If you find that there is ego, then let it be. Even ego belongs to the divine. Don’t try to surrender, don’t struggle. If you say that I have surrendered my ego, then it is bigger ego. It’s like saying, "I am the most humble perso ...
  4. Sri Sri's Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8- Part 1

    In Chapter 8, Lord Krishna begins by telling Arjuna, “I am the Supreme Lord and the governing deity of all Yajnas – whether they are material or spiritual in nature. I am the One who everyone wishes to know and attain in the last moments of their life. And ...
  5. Meditation: The Fastest Way To A Quiet Mind

    (Below is a continuation of post Making A Better World) Gurudev, what is better, doing one’s daily spiritual practices, or doing smarana (remembering God), or just observing the thoughts as they come and go? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You shouldn’t split it li ...
  6. Making A Better World

    There are problems in life but we have to collectively work towards them and overcome them. We are so fortunate that we have this knowledge. This organization is now 35 years, and this is what we have been doing, coming together and solving problems. Many ...
  7. When we don’t get to spend one-to-one time with you, how do we communicate with you on a day-to-day basis?

    Twitter, Facebook, emails and meditation! Meditation is the best, but if you’re not satisfied with the communication through meditation and silence, then there is always email and twitter. Our SMS is silent message service! ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, my mind is very scared and not ready to accept the emptiness of the present moment. It constantly looks for something or someone to hold on to.

    This is the nature of the mind! Never mind! People who are fed up with the mind only say, ‘Never mind!’ The mind is like that, but you are not just the mind, you are much more than that.Don’t try to repair the mind. Repairing the ...
  9. If time is only a concept of the mind, then how do we fit more activities in our day?

    Even this is a concept! Time and mind are connected. When you’re happy, time feels so short, and when you’re unhappy, a short time appears to be so long. If you have to wait alone in the plane, or in the train station, you look at the watch ...
  10. How can true divine guidance be recognized from false guidance (of self proclaimed gurus and coaches)? Isn’t the Self your true guide?

    If your intention is to find the truth, you will find it. But if your intention is to get something quickly, then you can get trapped. Whenever such scandals come out, I only say one thing, "If you put water in a pot which is not baked, neither the ...