The Shine In The Sunshine | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

The Shine In The Sunshine


Bangalore, India

(Below is a continuation of the post The Cause Of All Causes)

Lord Krishna is saying here, ‘I observe everything happening in nature with a sense of apathy (or indifference). I am not attached or affected by it, yet everything in the creation is completely governed by Me (as the cause of all causes)’.
A good example is the Sun. Just with the presence of the Sun, there is life on Earth.
All activities begin with sunrise; people wake up and go about their daily duties. And at sunset everything comes to a standstill.
When the Sun rises, the birds start chirping. Now the Sun does not specially go and tell every individual bird, ‘Hey, wake up!’ The very presence of the Sun is good enough for the birds to rise and start chirping. Flowers automatically bloom when the Sun rises.

God is that fundamental principle from which everything has come. He is that which upholds and sustains everything in creation, and He is also that into which everything dissolves into. And it is all happening every moment, everywhere.

So, in the same way, Lord Krishna says, ‘I am the source that governs everything in this creation, and it is through my very presence that everything happens’.
For example, a fetus in the womb of a mother. It is because of the presence of consciousness (Jiva or life force) within the fetus that causes it to grow.
It is because of the presence of consciousness (Jiva) within a plant, or a trees that causes it to grow. Now this consciousness that is present within each living being is a witness to all that happens. It does nothing by itself, yet everything happens under its influence.

Lord Krishna says, ‘Any transformation that you see, happens because of Me. I am the seed from which everything is born, and I am the cause of all changes’.

After listening to this, what more proof do we need of the existence of God?
Are creatures being born in this world or not? Every moment there is something being born. See how many living creatures and insects are being born every moment. Plants, trees, insects, animals, babies, all are being born every second.
Lord Krishna says, ‘My presence (as the Divine Consciousness governing everything) is the cause of living beings being born and coming into existence. It is My presence that sustains and upholds their existence. And it is My presence due to which they undergo all changes and ultimately die and disappear’.

So God is that fundamental principle from which everything has come. He is that which upholds and sustains everything in creation, and He is also that into which everything dissolves into. And it is all happening every moment, everywhere.
Now how can anyone or anything be separate from God?
Do not be foolish in looking for God, or running behind Him. Wherever you are, just relax, and repose within yourself. That is where you will find Him. He is in you.

That which is not omnipresent cannot be called God. When He is present everywhere, is He not present in you? Or is it that God is present in someone else, or in Gurudev but not in you? Do you think God is present in Gurudev and not in you? No, not at all. God is present everywhere. You can see Him so evidently in Gurudev, but He is also present in you, in the person sitting next to you, and also in the most foolish of people too.
One who can see God in the most foolish person, can never lose sight of God again!

God is present everywhere, and is present in you as well.
God is eternal. It is not that He came some 5000 years ago, with a flute in His hands, wearing a crown of peacock feathers, and now he is not present. That is not so! He is present now, this very moment.
Then, He belongs to everyone. So does He belong to you? Yes, He belongs to you!. That is it. Just believe in this totally.

Now what do you need to do to believe this? Do you need to read all the scriptures, all the Puranas and the Vedas, or do you have to sit in Samadhi for hours? No. Just take it for granted right now that God is present everywhere, in everyone and at all times. He belongs to everyone, so He belongs to me too. He is in me and He is all-capable.
It is very important to remember that God is all-capable. He is capable of fulfilling all our desires and whatever we feel that we lack. He is capable of granting us all that we need. This is all that you have to believe in. So just believe this and relax.

Lord Krishna says, ‘O Kaunteya! (Kaunteya: Son of Mother Kunti, another name for Arjuna) Listen, all changes in Creation happen because of Me. If you see any transformation in this Creation, it is because of Me’.

It is impossible that someone does not get transformed after coming to a Guru. Simply impossible. If someone is standing under the Sun, sunlight will fall on him. It is impossible to say that 'there is no sunlight falling on me'.

God is present everywhere. He is also present in you, He is present in the person sitting next to you, and also in the most foolish of people too. One who can see God in the most foolish person, can never lose sight of God again!

So Lord Krishna says, ‘O Arjuna! I am the reason behind all transformation you see in the creation. Anyone who comes and takes refuge in Me, is surely transformed'.

The next verse is, 'Avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam. Param bhavam ajananto mama bhuta-mahesvaram'. (9.11)

Lord Krishna says, 'These foolish people think that I am a human being. It is true that I am in this physical body, but the ignorant ones think of Me as being limited only to this physical body. They are not aware of my supreme transcendental form, and do not recognize Me as the subtle divine consciousness that pervades everything. Being unaware of that supreme Divine form of Mine, these ignorant people think of Me to be an ordinary human being. I am the Lord of all the Bhutas (fundamental element of nature)’.

The consciousness present within us is much greater than the physical body, and is beyond it. The mind and the soul are far more powerful than the physical body. The soul is the owner, the Lord of this physical body and not its servant.
In the same way, God is the Lord of this Prakruti (nature) that is made of up of all the Pancha Mahabhutas (meaning the five fundamental elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air and space).

Lord Krishna says, ‘Though I reside within this body and appear to work through it, yet the consciousness that is within Me is separate from the body (not limited by it), and is much more powerful than this body. This consciousness is God Himself'.

There is no difference between the Jiva (individualized consciousness) and God. The soul is pure consciousness. There is no difference between the soul and God. They are one and the same.
God is the (power of) consciousness that resides within us all. The Prana (Life-force) that is present in our body is nothing but God. When we remain unaware of this truth, we remain ignorant.

(Click Here to continue reading)

(Note: The discourse was given in Hindi. Above is a translation of the original talk.)

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