Yoga and awareness | Yoga and Self Awareness | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

Living with awareness – Yoga for life with greater joy and productivity

You manage to do many activities with full attention, but sometimes there is no mental relaxation. And there are other moments when your awareness seems to have expanded, but the mind is not sharp.

Is it then possible to be totally aware, relaxed and happy, as well as have sharpness of intelligence at the same time? Yes, Yoga can help us to achieve this balanced state of awareness that gives clarity and sharpness of mind, as well as calmness and joy.

Watch your ‘Thoughts’, they become words.

Watch your ‘Words’, they become actions.

Watch your ‘Actions’, they become habits.

Watch your ‘Habits’, they become character.

Watch your ‘Character’, for it becomes your Destiny.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


These are valuable ‘watch’ words for leading a meaningful life. Yoga fine-tunes your mind to a state of relaxed awareness, to live joyfully in the present moment.

Take charge of your mind with awareness

But why is awareness important? When you act without awareness – you are like a sleepwalker, who doesn’t know where he is walking. You just act on the strongest impulse – your mind controls you. However, when you act with awareness, you are in control of your mind. Your senses become so clear that they can perceive better, see better, think better, hear better.

Be established in awareness through Yoga

Yoga attends to all aspects of our being – body, mind, breath, emotions and the inner Self. Awareness of breath establishes you in the present moment.

Yoga maintains and energizes the body

Yoga asanas contribute towards physical well-being. Yoga postures done with full awareness provides a gentle massage to all the internal organs, and leads you to a relaxed state of mind. In a relaxed and steady posture, you can feel a joyful expansion. Yoga helps you become aware of your body, including the pains or discomfort in any part of the body. It is possible to release the pain, by just taking your attention to it.

The secret of awareness is to just watch everything that is going on in the body and mind - as a witness. Do not resist, but watch with a smile! Make your life a celebration - with Yoga!

Regular practice of Yoga establishes you in the Self; you feel a sense of belongingness with everyone and everything in Creation. You are then at peace with yourself and everything around you.

Enhance your good health and energy - by eating with awareness. When you are pre-occupied or feel upset, you tend to eat mindlessly. However when the mind is aware, you are conscious of what you eat and how much you take in.

Yoga refines the mind and creates awareness

The mind swings back and forth, from the past to the future, drowning you in a whirlpool of thoughts, worries, fears… An effective way to break this chain of thoughts is to become aware of the thoughts. Breath is a powerful tool to deal with the mind. You don’t have to run away to a forest or a cave, to calm down the mind. Yoga with asanas, pranayamas, meditation… can gently guide you on this inner journey.

Yoga is the restraint of thought waves. ‘Yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha’(Patanjali Yoga Sutra, I,2)

With Yoga, you can attain a pleasant and composed state of mind. When your mind is aware, you are sensitive to other’s feelings and to your surrounding. A clear mind is powerful like a beam, helping you to can take effective decisions. When the mind is calm, creativity dawns; productivity increases.

Yoga cultures the speech and kindles dynamic action

Living with awareness cultures your speech and actions. You acquire a skill in dealing with people and situations. You do not react to situations or what people say, but respond with calmness. When the mind is aware, you can be proactive instead of provocative - in your speech and actions. Often words just shoot out of the mouth. As you grow in the path of Yoga, your words become more powerful.

Yoga leads you to Self-awareness

Meditation is an essential limb of Yoga. In meditation you get a glimpse of your Self, the inner core of your being that is calm, settled and serene.

Regular practice of Yoga establishes you in the Self; you feel a sense of belongingness with everyone and everything in Creation. You are then at peace with yourself and everything around you.

The secret of awareness is to just watch everything that is going on in the body and mind - as a witness. Do not resist, but watch with a smile! Make your life a celebration - with Yoga!