Hip Toning Yoga Asanas | Yoga for Hips | The Art Of Living Bulgaria

Hip Toning Yoga Asanas

The hips are taken to task along with the back on those long work hours, this can cause stiffness in the hips. Exercising without proper stretches, body joint problems and back injuries can also cause stiffness in the hips. The stiffness in the hips can reduces the blood circulation and energy flow through the body.

Yoga asanas can be of great help in preventing the stiffness caused. By practicing a few simple yoga poses daily one can notice the improvement in the circulation of blood in the lower part of the body and how the body responds to it. These asanas are similar to compound exercise which targets more than one muscle group. Along with relaxation of the hips, these asanas can be extremely beneficial to release tight hamstrings.

Body Rotations

  • Sit comfortably in cross legged posture, preferably the padmasana. You can sit in sukhasana if sitting in padmasana is uncomfortable to you.
  • Keeping the spine erect and shoulders in a relaxed position take a deep breath in.
  • As you exhale bend forward and down from the waist keeping the spine erect as much as possible.
  • As you breathe in, start rotating the torso from the hip, keeping the spine in a straight line. Make an upward movement.
  • As you exhale bend back down making a complete rotation.
  • Repeat steps 1 - 4 a few times in one direction and then reverse the direction of the movement.
  • This helps to relieve tension in the lower back and strengthens the spine. Do as much as you can without exhausting yourself.


  • Keeping the spine erect stretch your legs out straight in front of you. Toes should be flexed towards you.
  • As you breathe in raise your hands above and stretch up. The fingers and thumbs should be facing towards the sky.
  • Breath out and bend forward from the hip joints, as you move forward trying to touch the toes with your fingers feel the stretch in the back, hamstrings and hip joints. Make sure not to fold the legs from the knees.
  • Hold your toes with the fingers and try to pull them towards you.
  • Breathe in and as you breathe in lift your head slightly and lengthen your spine.
  • Breathing out, gently move the navel towards the knees.
  • Repeat these steps two or three times.
  • Drop your head down and breathe deeply for 20-60 seconds.
  • Stretch the arms out in front of you.
  • Breathe in, with the strength of your arms, come back up to the sitting position.
  • Breathe out and lower the arms.

This posture stretches the lower back, hamstrings and hips.


  • Stretch your legs straight in front of you. Make sure to have the spine erect and feet together.
  • Lift the body up from the pelvic region ensuring the whole body is in a straight line and tense.
  • Maintaining the above mentioned posture, relax the head by letting it go loose and fall back towards the floor and hold the posture.
  • As you breathe out, come back to sitting position and relax.

This posture stretches the shoulders, hamstrings and hips.

Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Sri Sri Yoga teacher. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor and an Sri Sri Yoga teacher. Find an Sri Sri Yoga course at an Art of Living Center near you. Do you need information on courses or share feedback? Write to us at info@artoflivingyoga.org