What is Yoga?
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Know How to Get Instant Benefits From Yoga
On International Yoga Day, India Today brings you an exclusive interview with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder...

Demystifying Yoga with Gurudev
Renowned Spiritual Leader, Humanitarian & Founder, The Art of Living Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will lead...
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blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.

5 Common Mistakes Yoga Beginners Make
There is no doubt that practicing is a great idea—not only for...

Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy - 2
Continued from 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda...

Yoga And Meditation For A Peaceful Society
We all have our take on yoga. Don’t we? Yet when it comes from...
Yoga Breathing Exercises
It can be hard to meditate on your own, if you haven't learned a technique or having someone guide you. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, is an expert at leading people into meditation in an effortless manner, and has done so for millions of people worldwide.
Experience the benefits of meditation starting today with these free online guided meditations >>

Feel Contented and Grateful at Heart: Celebrate Thanksgiving with Your Loved Ones With 3 Gratitude Meditations
By Sejal Shah | Posted: November 16, 2018 The season of gratitude and giving is in the air. Although gratitude...

Meditation for Athletics: The Lisette Sevens Story
These are the meditation experiences from top athlete and Olympic champion (L.A.1984), Lisette Sevens. She has...

I Meditate Africa: An Antidote to Terrorism
“Violence ends where love begins”. – Gurudev And it is well known...

I Meditate Africa : Spirit of Volunteerism
“We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not...

5 Tips to Handle Stressful Situations at Work
“Stress is too much to do, too little time, and no energy,” quotes...
Yoga Sutras
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blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets