Art of Silence Retreat Online

Apr 9-12
Go deeper with advanced guided meditations and silent inquiry





Art of Silence Retreat Online

Apr 9-12
Go deeper with advanced guided meditations and silent inquiry



A Profound Spiritual Immersion

Build upon your experience of freedom from the Happiness Program

Get much needed rest in an 
all-inclusive guided retreat

Realign with your 
inner truth

Go deeper with advanced guided test meditations, silent inquiry and rejuvenating yoga

Prerequisite: You must have completed SKY Breath Meditation prior to taking this course. You can register for the SKY Breath Meditation here

A Profound Spiritual Immersion

Build upon your experience of freedom from the Happiness Program

Get much needed rest in an 
all-inclusive guided retreat

Go deeper with advanced guided meditations, silent inquiry and 
rejuvenating yoga

Realign with your 
inner truth

Prerequisite: You must have completed SKY Breath Meditation prior to taking this course.
You can register for the SKY Breath Meditation here

“I have been to other silent retreats at places like Kripalu, but basically, we were just silent and did our own thing, with optional classes we could attend throughout the day. But what we did here is so much more. What you guys offer is a full curriculum—the guided meditations, the service, the wisdom, the music—all of this took me on a journey far deeper than I thought possible.”

- Silence Retreat participant

Workshop Content

"Meditation is the journey from movement to
stillness, sound to silence." 
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Deep Meditation

A set of guided meditations called “Hollow and Empty” created by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are a central part of the retreat. These meditations are geared towards drawing out the deepest layers of stress and tension from our nervous system

Mudras and Advanced Pranayama

The course builds upon the breathing exercises taught during the SKY Breath Meditation and teaches a series of Mudras – a subtle technique to balance the mind and emotions.


Silence is more than not speaking, it is a way to renew ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Even just a few minutes of true silence gives a rest far deeper than sleep, and possibly anything else you’ve experienced in life.

"Silence and solitude are a potent means for personal growth and self-renewal. Many great works of the world have emerged out of solitude."


 ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Program Details

9 Apr 2020 -  12 Apr 2020
Starts on Thursday 6:00pm - 9:30pm
Friday and Saturday:  7:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday: 7:00am - 5:00pm
ONLINE via Zoom video conference 
CAD 395.00
Vancouver, BC
Time Zone -PST

Marcy Jackson
Hiteshini Jugessur

Marcy Jackson - Teacher, board member and trustee for AOLF
Previously a speech therapist and special needs teacher
Met Gurudev in 1989
Author of “Tales Beyond the Known”
Recipient of Mahalakshmi award for 25 years of teaching in many countries

Dr Hiteshini Jugessur has been teaching the Art of Living Foundation's yoga and meditation programs in Canada and internationally, for over 20 years now. She is a multi-facetted instructor with experience teaching in diverse populations. These include at-risk youth, veterans, first-responders, prisoners, indigenous communities, Govt.officials and corporations. 

Time Zone - MDT

Hema Sirinivas

Hema Srinivas is a Silence course instructor based in Calgary. Hema has been meditating for over 20 years and believes that the purpose of meditation is to reconnect to who you truly are and to help you live a more purposeful, happy, joyful, and fulfilling life.

Time Zone - EST

Spencer Delisle

Spencer Delisle, Art of Silence Facilitator
For over a decade, Spencer has travelled the globe guiding students of all levels back to the joy, love and peace that they are. He is one of the most dynamic and intuitive meditation teachers you will ever have the opportunity to learn from. 


Time Zone - EST

Bharti Verma
Prakash Patel

Dr. Bharti Verma is a physician by training with over 30 years of experience as a family physician. Dr. Verma’s passions for health, learning, and spirituality have all led to the integration of her knowledge of yoga with her experience in health sciences.

Prakash has been student of life, learning self development skills and knowledge since his early adulthood. Since he met Gurudev Sri Sri in 2001, has been very active in spreading spiritual knowledge to thousands of seeker of different age group through various art of living courses.
Apart from his wisdom, discipline, commitment to serve and help, his ability to simplify complex subject and easy to follow methodology is loved by all participants."

Time Zone - EST

Chandani (Shan)

Chandani (Shan) has been a volunteer with Art of Living for 20 years.  She teaches the Silence course, Happiness course, Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, YesPlus and Yes courses, and she is a devoted yoga teacher with 30 years experience.  She has also been a stress management professor and a wellness/family-life consultant.

International Art of Living Centre, Montreal
Time Zone - EST

Ami Soni & Aditya Mahajan

Ami Soni & Aditya Mahajan
Seasoned meditation teachers with a deep understanding of vedic wisdom and the subtleties of meditation, they are an energetic and light-hearted couple.  Thousands have benefitted over the past 18 years from their wisdom, humor and enlightening nature.  They teach at and manage our pristine Retreat Center in Quebec.