Living Life to its Full Potential

The SKY Breath Meditation integrates ancient yogic practices and wisdom into our lives today. Practicing these techniques enable us to be more in the present moment and live with greater clarity, creativity, peace and joy.

Benefits of the Program

  • Be better at decision making
  • Sustain enthusiasm and energy
  • Have greater awareness of your mind and emotions
  • Have a more charming presence and greater self-confidence
  • Build nourishing personal and professional connections

The Happiness Program Features

THE Sudarshan Kriya

Only taught in The Art of Living’sSKY Breath Meditation, the Sudarshan Kriya is an approachable, simple yet powerful rhythmic breathing technique. It helps alleviate our physical, mental and emotional stresses, leaving us refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated and giving us a sense of peace and rest never experienced before.


Simple breathing exercises that remove toxins accumulated from persistent levels of stress. These techniques bring the mind, body and soul in sync – the prerequisite to being happy and living a balanced life.


Gentle and dynamic postures that remove inertia and relax the body. Yoga raises energy levels and calms the mind, complementing meditation and magnifying the benefits of the Sudarshan Kriya.


One of the deepest forms of rest for your system, meditation recharges you at the level of the body and mind. Meditation leaves you calm yet alert, while revealing hidden potentials and talents you never knew about!


Includes processes which enable you to release your inhibitions and give you a greater sense of confidence. Interactive team-building exercises develop your leadership skills to make you more active in your life.


Applicable wisdom that help you manage daily life situations of work, family and relationships more skillfully. This wisdom can integrate into your life to deal with the challenges of life in a seamless manner.

It is every human being's birth right to live in a disease free body and a stress free mind. Yet, neither at school nor at home have we been taught how to deal with our negative emotions.

~Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, The Art of Living

Upcoming Programs

The Science of Breath

The breath has proven to be an effective tool to remove stress and impurities from the system and bring clarity and focus to the mind. It plays an essential role in how we feel physically and emotionally. Over 80% of the emotional and physical impurities in the body can be eliminated through the breath. However, most of us only use 35% of our lung capacity and do not use the potential of the breath to detoxify and cleanse us.

Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya is a unique breathing technique which cleanses the body from stress. Impurities are released and every cell of the body is rejuvenated with energy, stimulating both the body and the mind. With regular practice of the Sudarshan Kriya, one experiences greater Energy, Intuition, & Innovation (EII). It also facilitates physical, mental, emotional and social well-being and is an integral part of Art of Living SKY Breath Meditations.

The Effects

The effect of Sudarshan Kriya has been researched by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in India. The results are very encouraging:

  • Lower levels of blood cortisol (stress hormone) and blood lactate (stress marker).
  • Reduced depression and anxiety.
  • Increased T-helper cells, which play an important role in one's immune system, were found in cancer patients in remission.
  • EEG test results suggest that the Sudarshan Kriya leads to a state of calm and relaxed alertness (See figure below).




Within three days I started experiencing a deep shift within myself from anxiousness to peace, from sadness to joy. As each day progresses, I find myself more and more centred in the joy and clarity of a calm and peaceful existence.
~ Glenn-Douglas Haig, CEO



TheSKY Breath Meditation repackages ancient wellness techniques in a manner that can be applied today. It is vital that we take just a few hours from our busy and stressful lives and learn to successfully manage our emotions.
~ Raul Alvarez, software engineer

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