
Search results

  1. Umění meditace

    Dyp hvile Uten anstrengelse Fred Kunsten å gjøre ingenting Čerpejte z pramene Umění meditace je snadná a přitom účinná technika, díky níž se lidské vědomí může ponořit do vlastního nitra. Toto umění se také nazývá Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj v sanskrtu znamená „ ...
  2. Art of Meditation Course in Johannesburg

    7 Mar 2013 to 19 Mar 2013 The Art of Meditation (Sahaj Samadhi) Course: 17 March 2013- 19 March 2013 Everyone has experienced a meditative state in moments of deep joy, or when completely engrossed in an activity, when just for a moment the mind becomes ...
  3. Meditation- Then & Now

    xRMf4z8Cs8s Social:  ...
  4. Sri Sri talks on Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

    Curso de Meditação Sahaj Samadhi por Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ...
  5. Courses Testimonial34

    When I was 16 years, I wanted to do meditation, and started trying it out through books and trial and error. I had one good experience and failed to achieve it later. So I gave up on meditation. Later when I started learning Sahaj, I could relate directly ...
  6. I love Sahaj Samadhi

    Business Analyst When I was 16 years, I wanted to do meditation, and started trying it out through books and trial and error. I had one good experience and failed to achieve it later. So I gave up on meditation. Later when I started learning Sahaj, I coul ...
  7. I love Sahaj Samadhi

    Psychiatrist After completing medical school followed by 4 years of specialty training while being married to a physician and having 3 very active boys, I found it very difficult to sit still and relax. Sahaj Samadhi taught me not only how to sit still, b ...