Basic Yoga FAQs: Harnessing the Power of Yoga for Health and Wellness
Guest writer, Brett Larkin, Founder & CEO of Uplifted Yoga, believes that yoga should be a way of life. She says that “You’ll be surprised at how it can foster your health and well-being and improve the quality of your life.” She continues, "I ... -
Yoga for Gastric Problem
Everyone feels gassy now and then. Gas in the abdomen is passed through belching or farting. Excess gas can make the stomach feel swollen or bloated. There are many reasons behind heavy gastric problems like Regularly being on an empty stomach for a long ... -
3 yoga asanas to help burn belly fat
Belly fat burning exercises don't have to leave you panting for breath. Neither do you need a slew of pills nor a restricted diet. Yoga has the perfect belly fat-burning postures. Yoga asanas are nothing short of an intense workout for the core and o ... -
Discover how to feel energetic every day with yoga
There are many quick ways to boost our energy levels when we are down. Did you know that when you are low on energy, you have more negative thoughts? And too many thoughts drain your energy and tire you mentally. Here are six easy and simple tips to help ... -
Yoga asanas that boost metabolism and helps in weight loss
Weight loss for some can be fun, and for some a complete nightmare. While some may hit the gym to lose those extra pounds, others may resort to crash dieting and weight loss pills. The urge to lose weight can actually end up doing more harm than good. Whi ... -
Yoga for teens: Best yoga workout for growing years
Teenage years are turbulent, with all the hormones raging and mind in confusion. The practise of yoga has shown to help teenagers be more stable and calm through these turbulent years. Yoga quells the fluctuations of the mind, according to the Yoga Sutras ... -
Yoga to Balance and Open Up Chakras
A chakra or a wheel is a point of prana (energy) in our subtle body, located in the physical counterparts of our body like the veins, arteries and nerves. Yoga is an extremely beneficial way to release the prana or life force whenever it is stuck. Yoga re ... -
Yoga poses to ease arthritis
“It’s just regular knee pain which will go away with time,” you respond to the worries of your loved ones. While silently wondering if the pain could possibly mean something more serious. Certainly there is reason to worry if your joints ache, look swolle ... -
6 Yoga poses for cervical spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis or cervical osteoarthritis is a physical condition caused by the wear and tear of bones and cartilage in the neck (cervical vertebra) region. This degeneration of the bones and cartilage causes chronic neck pain and can disrupt simple ... -
Smart Yoga for Smartphone users
Is your mobile phone causing pain in the neck? Or the head? Or the shoulders? We live in the era of advanced technology and mobile phones are inarguably the most widely used device around the world. From education to health, personal relationships to busi ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.