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  1. Overpowering Asthma with yoga

    Your office colleagues have organized a football match and want you to be a part of it. It sounds like an interesting prospect but you decline to join them and instead support them from the stands. Similar situations have crossed your paths so many times ...
  2. A Yogi’s Home: Bringing your yoga practice home

    Easy tips for creating your own yoga space at home The trademark of a yogi’s home is where reflections of light sparkle just a little brighter. A feeling of joy, warmth and happiness seems to linger in the air, just like a hug from an old friend. Cozy bla ...
  3. Win over bad breath with yoga and pranayama

    Is bad breath the culprit behind your low confidence, poor social life, and hesitation to speak? Clinically known as Halitosis, bad breath is a common occurrence among people everywhere. Stressful lifestyles, along with hectic work schedules disturb the b ...
  4. Yoga can help PCOS

    “I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 15 years back. When the doctor first told me, I was scared. I had doubts whether I would ever have kids. My friend was a yoga teacher and I started learning the practice from her. Slowly, my acne was gone and I didn’t hav ...
  5. Heal your heel pain with yoga

    Heel pain can happen to anyone at anytime. Medically known as plantar fasciitis, this pain can cause serious discomfort. While the awareness around its cause and cure is not much, there are fewer who know that it can be cured naturally too – with simple y ...
  6. Grow your height with Yoga

    There is a saying, "I'm not small! It's the world that's too big!" Many of us have spent our childhood hanging on the monkey bars or cycling for long hours just to stand shoulder to shoulder with our father but have failed to do s ...
  7. Yoga for Cyclists: How to take your joy-rides to a new level

    Enhance your cycling experience with yoga! Are you planning on heading to the countryside on a cycling trip this weekend? Or just in the mood to pull up your socks, re-inflate those tires and get ready to shed some weight? Whatever be your reason, taking ...
  8. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):12 poses to leaner you.

    Sun Salutation is said to be the complete body workout. Yoga experts say that doing 12 sets of Sun Salutation translates into doing 288 powerful yoga poses in a span of 12 to 15 minutes! Sun Salutation is another example of how good things come in small ( ...
  9. 5 Signs of a Disturbed Mind

    "Dukha dourmanasyangamejayatva shwasaprashwasa vikshepasahabhuvaha'' Contd. from knowledge sheet 25 dukha = sorrow; dourmansya = bitterness; angamejayatva = body not listening to you; shwasa = inspiration; prashwasa = expiration; vikshepa = ...
  10. Yoga for back-pain

    One Pose – Many Advantages One Pose – Many Advantages Five Minutes, Five Poses, Six Steps Closer to, No Back Pain Five Minutes, Five Poses, Six Steps Closer to, No Back Pain Is back-pain troubling you? Is back-pain troubling you? Step #1: Lengthening your ...