Bangalore, India
Truth is that from which you cannot escape and also which you cannot describe. It is very difficult to describe the truth, and equally difficult to avoid it.
Similarly, beauty is something which you cannot possess, and you cannot renounce it either.
Love is something that cannot be hidden. You cannot hide love, nor can you express it fully. Just try hiding love. It is impossible to hide love. Love will just pour out of your eyes for the one you love.
If anyone’s heart is filled with love, then his or her eyes just radiate that love. And yet you cannot express it completely also. How will you do it? For ages, man has been trying to express his love. He has tried all ways but has still has not been able to express it fully. That is why a lover always says, ‘Nobody understands me!’
Why do they say this? It is because they are not able to express their love completely.
Generally, women complain that nobody understands them. A woman has a lot of love for everyone in the family, but because she is not able to express it completely, she feels that no one in the family, neither the husband, nor the son, or the father, no one understands her.
So this is the essence of today’s wisdom. Think deeper into these points and more wisdom will blossom within you. Focus on the experiences you have had in life, and what you have learnt from these experiences, this is important. And at the same time, think about how you can be useful to others, and how you can help others. These are two very important things that we must look at – what can I do for others? And what do I want from my life?
You surrender your bad habits, your problems, stress and all that which troubles your heart. That is what you are asked to do – drop your problems.
What does God ask of you? He will not ask you to give up your comfort. God is the very manifestation of all that is good. So what will he gain by asking you to give up the little happiness that you have? He is the ocean of love, so what will he do with a little love that you have?
What is it that God does not have? He does not have problems, miseries and difficulties; and that is what he asks you to give him. Can you not give this to him? So surrender all your negative qualities to him.
No one will ever ask you to surrender your good virtues. You surrender your pride and negative qualities to him. By surrendering to him, you become so light.
So this is a process to help you feel light from inside.
Surrender all that which you do not want. Why are you still holding on to it? This is what surrender is. By doing this, you return to your true nature, your true form. And what is your true nature? It is love, happiness and contentment. To come back to your true nature is what Samadhi really is.
That is why it is said, ‘Samadhi Siddhau Eshwari Pranidhanath’. By surrendering to God, one naturally attains the state of Samadhi. This is what has been said in the scriptures.
So these are the two that we have to maintain. But people have interpreted this differently and made it complicated over time, and some have become very strict about it. That is why I say, just by chanting Narayana, all your negativity gets washed off and you are cleansed. Have you understood?
That is why we chant, ‘Apavitra Pavitrova Sarvaavasthangatopiva Yasmaret Pundarikaksham Sabahyaa-bhyantaraha Shuchihi’. This means, one who meditates upon Narayana, the all-pervading divine Consciousness is immediately cleansed from outside and within.
So tell this to your mother that it is enough if we just chant, ‘Pundarikaksha Punatumaam’.
By doing this all will be cleansed, both internally and externally.
Have you understood?
And why are you getting depressed because you mother is asking you to maintain cleanliness. She is doing what she knows is best. Understood?
Don’t think that she does not love you. Each person has different ways of showering their love to you. You shower love on everybody. You should have a big heart to accommodate everyone. Love should not be conditional. If it is conditional, then you will get depressed. Just keep loving everybody, everything will keep happening in its own way.
No mother can ever be without loving her child. You have to understand this, that is all. Your mother is also feeling bad that her own daughter does not understand her. Just accept her as she is. Be with love and compassion towards your mother. Let her maintain whatever cleanliness and other practices that she wishes.
Is there air around us? Do you have to constantly remind yourself that there is air? No, isn’t it? But you believe it? Yes!
Where is air? It is present in the space all around you, isn’t it?
Do you believe that the Earth revolves around the sun? How do you know that? Have you ever seen the Earth revolve around the Sun by yourself?
(Ans: No Gurudev, I have just felt it.)
Correct, so you just heard and believed that, isn’t it?
Similarly, people say that man landed on the moon. They said somebody went there, and they just show us the pictures and we believe in it by simply looking at the pictures. Similarly, when you see pictures of Lord Krishna you believe that he did exist, right?
So there are some things you should know, and some things to just take for granted to be true. Just move ahead and embrace everyone with love. That is it!
Just see, it is happening for everybody. So you should pay attention to what it is that you ask for and desire.
Have desires for the bigger and better things. Pray that our country continues to be prosperous and that no one suffers from unemployment. Pray that the women of our country feel secure and do not live in fear. Move forward with this thinking. Your wishes will anyways be fulfilled. This experiment proves your wishes indeed do get fulfilled. Now, you should wish for the greater good of the whole society.
Someone who has done more research on that can tell you in detail about the effects of eating non-vegetarian food.
A lady from Macedonia has done lot of research. If you search on the internet, you will find a lot of data about it. She has proved how non-vegetarian food is not fit for human consumption. It is not conducive for a healthy lifestyle.
A lot of research work has been done on this which states that vegetarian food is much more suitable to the human race. You should go to the internet and find out all about that.