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  1. Why Surya Namaskar for Kids & Students is a Must

    There is a common problem most of parents face these days: Have you often looked at your child’s report card and thrown your hands up in despair? You reason: he has good tuition, spends all his time at home with his books. Yet his marks don’t seem to refl ...
  2. Holistic Yoga: A Fitness Mantra

    “One can be said to be in a perfect state of health when one is physically fit, mentally calm and emotionally steady," says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Beyond just physical fitness, yoga strengthens mental and emotional capacity. A yoga practice in ...
  3. Why Are Prisoners Doing Yoga?

    When prison inmates do yoga, meditation and Sudarshan Kriya, they experience freedom, are able to forget the past and develop a positive approach to the future. A discussion on prisoners often evokes a sharp response: "Why should we worry about these ...
  4. Inseparable Sisters: Yoga & Ayurveda

    Once I asked an ayurvedic doctor about the relationship between yoga and ayurveda. His simple explanation was, “Ayurveda is the science and yoga is the practice of the science.” I have been a health care professional and Sri Sri Yoga teacher for over 10 y ...
  5. Dear Parents… A Postcard From Yoga

    Dear Mom & Dad, How are you? I hope you remember me. I am your child’s friend. Yoga is my name. I was born centuries ago and I have supported people to have a healthy body and mind from time immemorial. During the war in Mahabharata, Lord Krishna intr ...
  6. Must know Things for Sun Salutation for Beginners

    Are you a beginner to Sun Salutation? You would be curious to know all about Sun Salutation – how to do it right, when to practice it or how many rounds at one time. When we start any yoga posture practice, it is natural to be motivated in the beginning. ...
  7. 30 min of Yoga a Day Keeps Exam Tension Away

    By Hetal Mehta Preparing for exams? Include a few minutes of yoga posture practice and breathing techniques (pranayama) in the daily schedule and reap benefits of a calm and focused mind on the D-Day. A bright young girl, with sparkling eyes full of enthu ...
  8. Yoga helps calm nerves after a fight

    Ways to create a space of calm with yoga Written by Marilyn Galan When a rug is shaken just before a floor is cleaned, all the dust flies up into the air. Taking time away for some gentle yoga allows the dust to clear when one goes through any disturbing ...
  9. Living with awareness – Yoga for life with greater joy and productivity

    You manage to do many activities with full attention, but sometimes there is no mental relaxation. And there are other moments when your awareness seems to have expanded, but the mind is not sharp. Is it then possible to be totally aware, relaxed and happ ...
  10. Yoga and Creativity: Catch the wave!

    Creativity is like the breaking waves at the ocean’s surf. The surfer waits for the right wave and when it materializes, the surfer latches on, riding its crest until the destination. When the big wave of creativity comes in with a rush of ideas, yoga can ...