
Search results

  1. Yoga Wear | Secrets for choosing the right yoga clothes

    The main objective of choosing the right yoga wear is so you can just forget about it during yoga practice. At dawn, when the rest of the world is still and quiet, I reserve special yoga-time for a series of gentle Sri Sri Yoga asanas, pranayamas (yoga br ...
  2. Clear your doubts through yoga: use your internal prana-o-meter!

    The quality of your life depends directly on the state of your mind. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if when life throws you curve balls, instead of getting bogged down with uncertainties and questions, you could bounce back fighting stronger than ever? Most of ...
  3. Yoga and Observation: Yoga and the theater of your mind

      With the help of yoga practice, self-observation is like watching a theater play. After practicing yoga asanas and yoga breathing exercises, we can slowly bring our awareness back to a centered, calm state. Sitting down in silence, in meditation with th ...
  4. Sri Sri Yoga Practice

    The Sri Sri Yoga is primarily Hatha Yoga, integrated with other paths of yoga for full blossoming of human potential. In the Sri Sri Yoga, wisdom and a combination of gentle yet effective series of asanas/postures and pranayamas are taught for the well-be ...
  5. Yoga for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome & Menstrual Pain

    Save Your Dates With Yoga! What Is PMS? Pre Menstrual Syndrome (Dysmenorrhea) means 'painful periods'. Emotional stress or Physical labor   This discomfort is brought on two weeks prior to menstruations or during the cycle itself; is a cue of ps ...
  6. The Enlightened One

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 11 Contd. from knowledge sheet 10 Often people who have dispassion keep blaming the world. They are afraid of the objects of senses and keep running away from them. They think it is a big temptation. How can somethin ...
  7. Honoring the Practice

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 8 Contd. from knowledge sheet 7 The moment is free, fresh and full. Being here this moment totally is abhyasa.  The mind might try to go to the past, to smruti, or may try to go off to sleep and it can try to bring s ...
  8. Dealing with Modulations of the Mind

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 7 Contd. from knowledge sheet 6 Are you looking for proof? Debating within yourself? Are you hanging on to 'wrong knowledge' of how things are? You do not know how things are because the world is fluid. The ...
  9. 9 Tips to Better Yoga Nidra

    Get ready to deepen your yoga nidra relaxation with these quick tips from Dinesh Kashikar, senior Sri Sri Yoga teacher. This is a part of the yoga nidra article series comprising yoga nidra instructions, benefits of yoga nidra, and tips. 1. Keep sufficien ...
  10. Purpose of Yoga is to Be One With the Self

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 5 Contd. from knowledge sheet 4 Vrutti sarupyamitaratra You identify yourself with the modulations of the mind all the time.- Patanjali Yoga Sutra #4 What this means is that your mind is engaged in the outside world ...