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  1. Accepting Imperfection

    Gurudev, how do I deal with the imperfections around me? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Leave a little room for imperfections.Imperfections exist at three levels; physical, mental and emotional, i.e., body, thought and emotions. If you don’t accept the imperfectio ...
  2. Love Is About Giving

    Gurudev, ego, misunderstandings and doubts have destroyed my relationship. What is the secret of loving relationships? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just be natural and accept people. Love is always about giving. Know that you have come here (on the planet) to on ...
  3. Gurudev, you said not to hurt the ego of a man. But is that valid even when he hurts the feelings of his wife? How do I change his egoistic nature?

    Why do you want to change their nature? You change. When you change they may also change, or they may not change! We need to learn to see life from a broader perspective. Then things make much more sense to us.Why do we try to change people? ...
  4. How to know that the girl I like is the one I am looking for, and if I am the right person for her?

    This you have to ask her! If you feel you are not up to the mark, you can straight away start being up to the mark. Improve your qualities, otherwise she will anyways teach you! A spouse can bring the best out of you or the worst out of you
  5. Dearest Gurudev, please can you talk about domestic violence and give some knowledge on this. What is the role of acceptance and responsibility when a spouse feels that their actions are in proportion to their hurt?

    Listen, when two people are living together, there will definitely be arguments. However compatible, no two people can think the same things all the time. There will be difference of opinions. If both have sweet talks all the time, both will land up hav ...
  6. Gurudev, we have learnt that there are 16 sanskaras which define and direct the flow of life. Why is there no sanskara for divorce? Was it not there in the Vedic times?

    You know, sanskaras are there so that you get something from them. A divorce is using the delete button, that is it. Maybe even sanyaasa could be called as a delete button, wherein you leave everything. It is not that you enter something ...
  7. Gurudev, if marriages are made in heaven, then why so many divorces happen on Earth?

    Marriages are made in heaven, but divorces are made on Earth! (Laughter) Lack of patience. Somewhere in our country we are losing patience. We want everything immediately, and we want quick result, and quick changes. In our Canadian organization, w ...
  8. Gurudev, how to make my home a place of happiness? Even on weekends my wife picks up arguments.

    You know what? I’ll give you an advice. Take turns in an argument, don’t do it at the same time. You argue on Monday, let her argue on Sunday! And you keep smiling. You know, an argument cannot be countered with an argument. Questions cannot be replied wit ...
  9. Gurudev, when there is love between two people, they decide to get married. Then why does the love cease to exist after marriage?

    See, I cannot say this in this matter. I have no experience in this! (Laughter). Neither do I have any experience of marriage, nor have I ever felt that love has ceased to exist! See, when we love a person with an intention to gain something from him ...
  10. Please give me some tips to improve my relationship with my mother-in-law.

    Listen, you have a different scale for your mother and a different scale for your mother-in-law. Now why do you do that? When your mother used to scold you, it never really touched you. You are thick skinned when your mother shouts at you or scolds you ...