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  1. If you are not sure of a decision, for example, getting married, should you just go with the flow and get married or wait until you are certain?

    You should ask your partner with whom you want to get married. There are some who are fickle minded, who need a push to do anything, including marriage. And there are others who face such situations once in a while. So I leave the choice to you.
  2. What is the dharma of marriage?

    Ask your spouse! They will give you long lectures on what your dharma is and what you should be doing! (Audience laughs).Our ancient people spoke about saptapadi – the seven steps one takes in life. The knowledge was so scientific even 1,000s of years a ...
  3. What is the golden rule of a happy married life?

    Well, I am not qualified to say anything, but let me think. Why don’t you sit with those who are happily married? What I have heard is: Before marriage: a couple is mad for each other! During marriage: They are made for each other! ...