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  1. Whoever you think of, you imbibe their qualities

      Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When anyone does something wrong he should be punished. But so that people do not do anything wrong, our Yuvaachaarya (youth leaders) are working towards these efforts. It is necessary to have a remedy for illnesses, but I a ...
  2. "Whatever situation you have you can make that situation as a step for your growth."

    (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know whatever situation you have you can make that situation as a step for your growth. Pleasant situations you can definitely make use of it for growth. Unpleasant ...
  3. Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Gurudev, I want You to be with me always. What should I do for that? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just know I am with you. Do Sadhana, Seva, Satsang - that you don’t leave or forget. Do your duty, meditate, do your duty.What is the difference between Dharana and ...
  4. "Each one of us is a treasure house of wealth"

    Today is a full moon day and is also called Raksha Bandhan. What we call these days as the friendship day, people tie friendship bands, this is a new trend, but this is actually an old version changed into a new thing. Tying this Raksha Bandhan has been th ...
  5. "The empty space is filled with intelligence, filled with knowledge, filled with love and compassion."

    Gurudev, did Gopis ever meditate when Krishna was there? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Did Gopis meditate? Whether they meditated or they did not meditate, how does it matter? It is an old story. But meditation has to be second to life; walking, talking, sitting, ...
  6. 'Satyam Param Dhimahi'

    What you read now in the Bhagavad Gita (16th chapter), the good qualities, the divine qualities, we are all born with. We have it in us. The negative qualities are only on the circumference. They are super imposed on our goodness. So, Lord Krishna says tha ...
  7. The more dispassionate you are, the more the power of Sankalpa comes to you

    Dear Guruji, when you say I am different from the body I understand that, but when you say I am different from the mind I do not understand that. How am I different from my mind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Okay, now are you your thoughts or the thoughts are you ...
  8. Newsflash

    Guruji gave a surprise visit to Bangalore by coming earlier than the expected date of arrival. Satsang took on a festive color. After several bhajans and few verses of the Bhagvad Gita (15th chapter),Guruji enquired about the TTC participants and led every ...
  9. Life & Guru are inseparable

    Life and Guru are inseparable. Your life is the Guru tatva(principle). Throw light on your own life. The wisdom that shines through your life - you need to honor, that is honoring the Guru. See, life has taught you so many things - what you did wrong and ...
  10. Only in giving there is happiness

        When we see you we feel complete, but please tell us what do you feel for all your devotees? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That’s good. I am happy if you feel happy and when you move on the right path, right knowledge and engage yourself in sadhana, seva and s ...