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  1. Know there is a power that is taking care of everything & the power loves you

    What is more important happiness or performing one’s duty? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Both. You have to perform your duty and you have to be happy. Why do you want to have a choice between these two? Hmm... If there is a choice, go for duty first because if yo ...
  2. Corruption starts where belongingness ends

        Gurudev, the war against corruption has already started in the country. In this war you are Rama, Shri Ramdevji is Lakshman, and Anna Hazareji is Hanuman. But Rama is still not to be seen in the field yet? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You left Arvind (Arvind ...
  3. Passion for transformation & dispassion for momentary

    How can I offer both positive and negative to God? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just let go. If you find it difficult, just live in the present moment. Now, now. The past is gone. The future is yet to come.Why is the body cremated in the Hindu religion? Sri Sri ...
  4. Wherever you are, you meditate and you find the divinity

        I am an astrologer. Is it okay to listen to the problems of people and would that affect me in any way? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, you are astrologer and the work of an astrologer is very good. You can give people some direction, this will be beneficial ...
  5. Keep moving and keep your spirit high

    Berlin, July 4: After the grand World Culture Festival event in Berlin, the volunteer team shared their challenges with Sri Sri. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Challenges are there to make you see that you can overcome them, that you have the energy. Your spirit s ...
  6. One Divinity, one humanity, celebrating differences, this is our sacred duty

    Excerpts of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s speech at the World Culture Festival, Berlin, July 2-3. This event celebrates 30 years of The Art of Living. I am so happy to be here in this city where the walls came down between people, it is time walls come down betw ...
  7. Spirituality begins with amusement

    Dear Guruji, my mother-in-law does not distribute the prasad to people from other religions. Her logic is that those who don’t understand the importance of prasad won’t benefit. How can I get her to think otherwise? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Does not matter i ...
  8. When you meditate and your mind becomes quiet, that peaceful mind is the house of God

    Gurudev, it is said that at the time of death the last though or memory in the mind is what influences the future birth that one takes. In this mind of mine, there is a big influence of this material world. What to do for me to remember and have only you o ...
  9. Logic can’t console the emotions, but the quiet presence works

        How to deal with narrow-minded people around you? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: With a broad mind! Just smile at them. No tit for tat. It doesn’t work. Gently educate them. And determine that you are not going to lose your happiness because they are behaving i ...
  10. Dispassion is what you invoke in yourself

    Dearest Guruji, is it true that every chapter of the Bhagavad Gita has influence on a particular plane? Kindly explain. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Planets are far away, they have an influence on your mind, on your Self. Every chapter has an influence on you.Dea ...