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Dear Gurudev, could you please tell us the significance of the Canadian Ashram, why did you choose this place? Are there any historic links?
When I spoke on the Ashtavakara Gita in India in 1990, sometime after that I told our people that I’ll come to Canada only when we have a place of our own. I gave it to them as a challenge, because until then we had been hiring venues here and the ... -
How to be happy when you are lonely?
You should feel the freedom! (Laughter from the audience) Look at the birds, how they fly.What is lonely? When there is nobody to bug you, nobody to ask you where did you go? What did you do? Whom did you look at? No control, no obligation, nothin ... -
Being A Good Human Being
Gurudev, what is the parameter to call myself a good human being? Please guide me. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: An eye that can see beyond the obvious, ears that can give a patient hearing, an intellect that is free from prejudice, an intention to help those in ... -
Gurudev, the Vedic Wisdom course started today. We have come from all over the world. Please tell us what is the principle of Vedic Wisdom?
It is amazing to see how much wisdom has been there in the past. From the Vedic Wisdom program, you will get a little glimpse of the various aspects of life and tattvas, i.e., the principles and the natural laws that govern the universe. That is ... -
Gurudev, how to deal with growing up and becoming an adult?
Know that it is a tough time, and it will pass. Many concepts will come; every day you will find different concepts crumbling down. When these concepts keep crumbling down, you often experience vacuums. It is the vacuums that create restlessness and con ... -
Gurudev, what is the role of death on one’s spiritual journey?
Every moment dying to the past! Unless you die every moment, you can’t live in the present. ... -
Gurudev, how can one remain sensitive to anything, knowing that everything is unreal?
You cannot exercise sensitivity, either it is there or not. This is because sensitivity is beyond thought, it is at the level of a feeling, you cannot create sensitivity in you. When you are free from stress and are content, you automaticall ... -
Gurudev, what is the parameter to call myself a good human being? Please guide me.
An eye that can see beyond the obvious, ears that can give a patient hearing, an intellect that is free from prejudice, an intention to help those in need, and a heart that is strong and soft. It is easy to find people who are very emotional, an ... -
A Happy State Of Mind
Are there different stages of being enlightened? What are the signs of enlightenment? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You need not worry about it. There are no different stages. Enlightenment is only one, that’s all. Are there different types of emptiness? Emptines ... -
Gurudev, is there a difference between the Vedic Tradition and Science?
See, our ancestors gave a lot of prime importance to the intellect. Our most important mantra is the Gayatri Mantra which is unparalleled. In the Gayatri Mantra it is said “Dhiyo yonaha prachodayaat” , which means, “May ...