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  1. Draupadi had surrendered herself to Lord Krishna and was very devoted to Him. Then why was her life full of obstacles?

    Well, it is when there are obstacles that you understand and appreciate miracles! See, whether you read the Ramayana or the Mahabharata, understand what you can and imbibe that in yourself. Implement the good things you read from these epics in your own ...
  2. In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says, “Bow to Me, come take my refuge”. Will this not anger or offend the other gods and goddesses?

    No, there is nothing like that. It is all one, they are all the same One Divinity. God is addressed in three different ways – that is, in the first person, second person and third person (here meaning by way of language and grammar). When L ...
  3. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says, “Sarva-sankalpa parityagi”. What does it mean?

    When you are about to go to sleep, and if you keep thinking “I have to do this, I have to do that”, then will you be able to get restful sleep? What do you do when you sleep? You keep everything aside. Only then will you are able to get slee ...
  4. Gurudev, when I see enthusiastic people, what comes to my mind is that they are showing off. What do you think?

    Why do you want to judge them? Let them do what they want to do. It seems that you have too much time on your hands. Do not judge them. If they show off, let them show off. They have something to show off, let them be. If you have something to show off, ...
  5. The Secret to Unconditional Love

    Make your life a celebration, and celebrate everything. All the saints and great souls who have been born on Earth have given this very same message. They have always urged to uplift mankind and human values. The secret to unconditional love is to accept ...
  6. Gurudev, why did Lord Krishna not come to Abhimanyu’s rescue in the fierce battle the way He had rescued and helped Draupadi? What is the secret here?

    Lord Krishna came to rescue Draupadi when she called Him for help. Abhimanyu (Arjuna’s son) was a warrior. He had decided to sacrifice himself in the war for the noble cause. But he did not learn the intricacies of war completely. He only half-und ...
  7. Breaking Out Of Being A Victim

      The last time I was here, everyone was asking me when will there be peace in Columbia? And now we have peace! (Applause) The last time, we said we will work for peace, and today, because you all meditated we won peace. Now, we have lot of work to do. We ...
  8. How to Deepen Your Meditation

    (Below is a continuation of the post Realizing The Subtle Truths) Yesterday, someone was telling me about a unique quality of the Gir cow (an indigenous native breed of cows) we have in India. People in Gujarat who breed the Gir cow in their farms have ev ...
  9. Realizing The Subtle Truths

    There are two perspectives of life:1. To see everything alive, like a person.2. To see everything as an object.When we were children, we used to see everything as a person, as a living entity. As a child, we would see the Sun smiling at us, and even the M ...
  10. Gurudev Sri Sri's Message on Vijaydashami

    Today, the festival of Vijaydashami (Dussehra) is being celebrated everywhere in the country. Everywhere the idols of Ravana are being burnt. Ravana is symbolic of the ego. Ego does not have just one face, it has 10 faces (here representing the aspects or ...