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  1. As a human being, is it possible to love without desire, lust, attachment, jealousy, or the fear of loss? Is it possible to love without any of these things?

    Yes, when there is love and wisdom, none of these negative tendencies will come close to you. However, if there is love without wisdom, all these things that you mentioned, will all attack you at once. ...
  2. Is it possible for a person to have multiple Gurus in one lifetime?

    Oh my God, one itself is big! And then if you have two-three gurus, you will become bigger! Guru means ‘Big’. If you are on the spiritual path, know that it is they who have paved the way for you to be here. And so thank everybody, honor eve ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, what is the best way to connect with the master? Not all of us get the chance to spend quality time in your physical presence. When I don't chase you I somehow feel I am missing out.

    No,take up some creative work. You know the whole day I am busy attending to the many projects that we have taken on. This morning we had a meeting about a ‘Welcome Home Project’. Did you know that 22 veterans committed suicide every single ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, what is devotion and how is it that some people have it and some people don't?

    Listen, I would like you to take these two words away from your dictionary - surrender and devotion. Both these words are very confusing. They have lost their essence and meaning in some way. And what is, is. Why do you have to lab ...
  5. Why Meditation Is So Effective?

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Key To Being Happy) I think today the world consciousness is improving; however, on the flip side, you see all this negativity and unrest happening. Yet simultaneously, there are more people concerned about the wor ...
  6. The Key To Being Happy

    Gurudev, I’m a little puzzled as to what style of parenting I should adopt. Sometimes I feel like I’m too strict, and at other times I joke so much with my 12 year old that he calls me a joker. I’m a little bewildered. Please help me. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ...
  7. I would like to know how you found out that you were going to be a Guru. Was it something that came about spontaneously?

    By default. I started telling somebody what I know, and they made me a Guru, what to do? You know, everyone is a teacher for someone or the other, whether you want it or not. So, when you know something and you teach others, you become their teacher. An ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, recent scientific discoveries in India and elsewhere have shown that what we thought was myth are actual historical occurrences, like the discovery of Dwaraka, the ancient city under the sea. How can we decipher mythology and symbolism from factual history in these sacred texts?

    Yes. (Opens a bottle of water and gives it to the plants on the left of him.) They were a little thirsty. You know, the ancient style of writing history was very poetic, and it was all in couplets. None of the history of ancient time was written ...
  9. Gurudev, I’m a little puzzled as to what style of parenting I should adopt. Sometimes I feel like I’m too strict, and at other times I joke so much with my 12 year old that he calls me a joker. I’m a little bewildered. Please help me.

    Good, good! Good to be a joker, than to be too serious. Have fun in the world. The short time we’ll be on this planet we should make ourselves happy and others happy. What is there to brood over? And if you feel things are insufficient - < ...
  10. Secret To Good Relationships

    Dear Gurudev, is there a difference between the soul and the mind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Mind is that which perceives. See, 'you are looking at me' is through the mind. If mind is elsewhere, you can’t see me, right? If you’re not paying attention, if you’ ...