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The Art of Living Intuition Process (5 - 18 years)

Throughout our life, we learn that intelligence is based on our intellect. At school it matters how good we are at maths, how fast we can memorize, how good our grades are. School teaches us to study stimulating our brain. Society often denies the impact of instinct, our emotional, artistic intelligence. Both are important.

But what if there is a third aspect of intelligence?

A hidden power within ourselves which allows us to tap into our full potential, to blossom fully and to bring harmony between intellectual thinking and creativity?

The Art of Living Intuition Process teaches simple and profound techniques which allow children and youth to unlock the inner power of Intuition. Intuition is the faculty of knowing or understanding something without the need for conscious reasoning or proof. Specific Art of Living techniques on brain activation and meditation enable participants to access, cultivate and maintain their inherent intuitive capacity. These special techniques can be practiced daily at home after the two-day program.

How the Intuition Process can help kids and youth tap into their full potential:

Decision making Skills

We have got so many choices. We are permanently deciding. Some decisions are small, some can be life changing. In the process of growing up, each choice we make is an important step towards becoming the person we want to be in life. How do we know what to choose? Will our pros and cons list help? Or should we better follow our emotions? Intuition brings the right thought at the right moment. It connects us to a bigger understanding of life, allowing us to make decisions from a space of clarity and knowing.

Learning Skills

There is so much to learn and discover. Through our intuitive abilities we can access new learning skills, different from everything that was taught us before. Participants share that, using the power of intuition, studying not only becomes easier, but that a whole new dimension of learning opens up, which wants to be explored.

Communication Skills

Most of the problems in our relations to friends, classmates and family start with our communication. Even if we do our best to understand and to be understood, words take us only this far. Intuition helps us to connect with people on a different level. We can feel the other person. We know what needs to be said and done without the other even telling us. This brings more harmony in our relations and helps us to be a real support for others when they need us.

Self Confidence

Accessing our intuitive abilities also means connecting with ourselves. While practicing the techniques taught in the Intuition Process, participants dive deep into their inner world. They establish a natural relation with themselves built on trust, harmony and love. Being aware of this beauty within, it becomes easier to relate to others, to stand up for what you want and to take up challenges in life.

How the Intuition Process can transform lives:

“I’m a tennis player. Now I can sense my opponent’s moves and my body automatically moves towards the ball.” - Vishal, India.


Intuition Process started in November  2015 in India. Since then almost 20.000 kids have taken the program in India. In summer 2016 the Intuition Process moved for the first time out of India. It had its pilot tour in five countries in Europe with more than 100 participants connected with a first preliminary survey.

To scientifically prove the effects of the program, the Art of Living Intuition Process is now being researched in India and Europe. A research in the US is as well being planned.

In Europe, more than 100 participants of this program took part in a survey. Now the data is in the process of elaboration.

Be part of the Intuition Process Journey:

Currently the Intuition programs are available in different parts of Europe and arranged only in-person format.

To organize an Intuition Process in your country, you can fill in this form and we will come back to you with more infos.

Fill in the form here.

Results might vary. Nature and extent of result depends on participation and practice.

We also offer Follow-Up sessions both in-person and online in Europe.

These are only open to Children and Young People who have already taken part in the Intuition process anywhere in the world.

These follow-ups provide an opportunity for children and Young People to meet with old friends and new from across your country and Europe, practice the techniques learned, boost their self confidence and hone their Decision Making, Communication and Learning Skills.

Depending on the current Covid restrictions in your country these are either on-line or in person.

Please contact us for the details of the Intuition Process follow-ups in the different countries of Europe.


Email: info@artoflivingeducational.eu