What Sri Sri said today archive
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Freedom From The Mind
Bad Antogast, Germany Today I got the information from India, 5,000 prisoners completed the course. The newspaper carried a full page article about it; people's experiences. Art of Living is so heterogeneous. Everyone is so different, at the same time, ... -
Moving Through Chaos With A Smile
Boone, North CarolinaRead Celebrating Silence and Celebrating Love.You must keep reading knowledge. Those who have not heard Ashtavakra Gita, you must hear it. It will make you emotionally and spiritually strong.If you’ve heard Ashtavakra Gita and taken on ... -
Can You Stop Complaining?
Boone, North CarolinaWhen there is celebration, singing, dancing and meditation, questions do not arise. ‘What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of all this?’ These questions arises only when ‘this’ is not there, or when ‘this’ is hiding.God has ... -
Good Times or Bad Times- All Of Life Is An Opportunity
Boone, North Caroline Why do I attract people who hurt me? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is not people who hurt you. It is your own foolishness, your own mind, your own vulnerability and your own emotions that entangle you, and make you feel hurt. Do you think ... -
How To Pray?
Boone, North Carolina It struck me when the name David was mentioned, is there any meaning to the name David in English or in Hebrew? What does David mean? (Audience say: David means The King of Wisdom)In Sanskrit David, Dev-vith means one who knows God. ... -
У всего, что приходит и уходит, есть своя причина
Бун, Северная КаролинаБудьте как новогодняя елка – вечнозеленая, сияющая, полная огней и подарков. Итак, вы все здесь – новогодние елки. Новогодняя елка только отдает, она ничего не берет себе! Она просто дает. Так двигайтесь с этой мыслью: “Я – новогодняя ... -
Everything That Comes And Goes Has A Purpose
Boone, North Carolina Be like the Christmas tree; evergreen, shining, full of lights and full of gifts.So everyone here is a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree only gives, it doesn’t take anything for itself. It just gives. So go with that thought, I’m a Chr ... -
Everything That Comes And Goes Has A Purpose
Boone, North Carolina Be like the Christmas tree; evergreen, shining, full of lights and full of gifts.So everyone here is a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree only gives, it doesn’t take anything for itself. It just gives. So go with that thought, I’m a Chr ... -
Why Do We Crave Attention?
Bangalore, India Dear Gurudev, I’ve always felt that I’m a tool in the hands of someone else, but I want to reach great heights and have a name of my own. Would it still be possible? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You want to have a name. Have that Sankalpa and for ... -
We Are All Equal
Bangalore, IndiaToday, I was reminded of an incident. This happened during my middle school years. We had a servant maid who would work in our house and she had a daughter who would accompany her. They both used to come together. The mother would do all th ...