What is The Art of Living?
The Art of Living Foundation is one of the largest non-governmental volunteer based organization in the world. The Foundation’s service projects, programs on yoga, meditation and stress elimination have benefitted over 20 million people from all walks of life.
Art of Living Greece – Background
The first Art of Living course in Greece took place in 2002 and in 2005 HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar visited Greece as a keynote speaker at an International Medical Conference. During his visit Gurudev gave a public talk and all were inspired by his presence and his vision of a violence free, stress free world. Following this visit there was great enthusiasm here to develop the Art of Living in Greece and to teach the breathing techniques and the Sudarshan Kriya.
The Art of Living Greece is now an official organization holding regular courses and there is considerable interest in the practices they teach. This is a country with a history and mythology deeply rooted in spirituality, a tradition leading naturally to yoga, breathing, meditation and self knowledge.
Greece is also ideally placed to be an AOL center for the Balkans, the Middle East and Europe, standing as it does at the crossroads of all these countries.
The country also maintains excellent relations with its neighbours and this, combined with idyllic venues for courses and conferences, makes it an ideal place for international courses. Add to this the fascinating history and amazing scenery and you understand that participants can combine the pleasure of Breathing, Silence and Meditation courses with a truly restful break. Sparkling seas, fascinating sites, delicious fresh vegetarian food…. all can be found here
Who’s Who
Areti’s love and enthusiasm lights up the whole island of Crete and she inspires everyone she meets. As a yoga teacher Areti holds regular courses, satsangs and Sudarshan Kriya at her yoga school. She also travels up and down the island to teach courses and run Kriya’s both in Herakleon and in other centers on the island.
She also helps in organizing Art of Silence courses on the island, the last two of which have been run at a beautiful center in Triopetra on the south coast and has invited teachers to run Sahaj Samadhi courses on the island. In 2010 she organized a Stand Up and Speak Out rally against world poverty with over 150 participants. You can reach Areti on 6977 141 800 or email her at artofliving_heraklion@yahoo.com
Areti is supported by George Zozonakis an Art of Living Ayurvedic Therapist who completed his training in 2010 at Bad Antogast. George offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments and massages in Crete.
Thanassi Destanis another much loved teacher is a rock of the Art of Living having joined in 2002 whilst at university in Berlin. He mainly divides his time between Thessaloniki where he is about to open an AOL center and Berlin where he organises Sport Yoga courses for athletes and sportmen. He was the first Greek teacher in Athens and Rhodes and still returns to run long Kriya’s and courses when time allows. You can reach Thanassi on 6942 588 756 or email him at destanis@gmail.com

A new addition to the AOL teachers in Greece is Christiane Pohl. Christiane has been with the AOL since 2003 and lives on the island of Spetses and in Athens. In 2004 she travelled to Bangalore and met Guruji for the first time. Since then she has inspired many to participate in the AOL courses and is committed to Guruji’s vision of a Stress Free and Violence Free One World Family. You can reach Christiane on 6932181626 or via christianepohl@yahoo.com or check out www.christianepohl.com.

Judi Miles has also finished her training to become an Art of Living teacher and is delighted to be in a position to run their wonderful Art of Breathing course here in Greece. She has been involved for years in Bad Antogast in Germany as well in Greece and has seen at first hand what a difference the techniques taught by the Art of Living has made to so many lives. She is also delighted that this increase in the number of teachers here in Greece means that there will now be regular courses and long Sudarshan Kriya which is essential to those who have already done the Art of Breathing course. You can reach Judi at 210 752 3087 or email judimiles@hol.gr
Constantinos Tournas was part of the first amazing Yes We Can program in 2009. He is a real credit to the program and to go to his intro talks is to really understand the benefits of the breathing exercises taught by The Art of Living.
As well as teaching Yes+ courses in Athens Constantinos is also much loved in Crete and Rhodes but unfortunately for Greece while on the Yes We Can program Cupid struck and he now divides his time between Germany and Greece. We all know that such a big part of his heart is here that he will never spend too long away without visiting us. He is a Yes+ teacher and is keen to organize big Yes+ courses here with European youth so that they can enjoy the great weather, scenery and outdoor life here while benefiting from amazing Yes+ course itself. You can reach Constantinos at Kostas.2012@gmail.com

The latest addition to the AOL family in Greece is Diana Weiss who lives in a tiny village in the south of Crete. She has just completed her teacher training and has already held satsangs on the south of the island and in the lovely Venetian town of Hania. Diana is well known both in Greece and Germany and everyone was delighted with her decision to become a teacher. Her inner and outer beauty will inspire all who are lucky enough to do Art of Breathing courses with her. You can contact Diana at Diana.weiss.licht@web.de
Behind the Scenes
Judi is always on hand to cook for courses, make cups of tea, organize get togethers and satsangs and help anyone who needs information or just to have a chat. She goes regularly to Bad Antogast to work or for courses in the presence of Guruji and has a policy of helping out wherever she can to bring the joys of the Art of Living to everyone she meets. She is also always happy to assist with plans for those visiting Greece from AOL worldwide and the Athenian satsangs always offer visitors a warm Greek welcome. You can reach Judi at judimiles@hol.gr


