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Bring Out The Best In You
Is world peace dependent on the individual peace? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is impossible to have world peace without individual peace. Individual happiness brings collective happiness. Society devoid of the individual is impossible.Peace is within the ind ... -
Truth Gives You Strength
What is the objective of meditation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Are you asking me why you should meditate? Let me ask you, why should you sleep? Why should you study? Why do you want entertainment? Why do you want to be healthy? One can live anyway, have you t ... -
Can Karma Be Cleared In One Life Time?
The person at the top, like a Minister or a Governor, or the head of an institution should not get stuck in the bureaucracy. Senior people should sometimes come down and talk to people of every level. Not at all times, but sometimes it helps.In a research ... -
Take Up The Challenge
(Below is a continuation of the post Truth Gives You Strength) Gurudev, could you give us a concrete five point agenda that each citizen can do to create a divine society. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 1) Be stress free - keep your body, mind and spirit free from ... -
Commitment Is The Key To Success
Do you know what is a sign of good health? A cool head, a soft belly and warm feet. This is a sign of good health. When your body, mind and spirit - everything is in place then everything is okay. If you find that your feet are cold, head is hot and you ... -
Bringing Happiness To Others
There are people who are married and unhappy and there are people who are unmarried and unhappy. Then there are people who are married and happy and there are people who are unmarried and happy. You better be in the second category. Whether you are marrie ... -
The Mysteries Of The Creation
Gurudev, in one of your talks you have said that the present moment is so vast and deep, that it is unfathomable. The whole of the past and the future are in the present moment. If the past and future are in the present moment, then how is it possible to ... -
Why We Must Not Misuse Knowledge
This is a continuation of the post (The Mysteries Of The Creation) The terrorist organizations kill people with full awareness. So can we still say that the present moment is joyful? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Look, they are doing something with a wrong unders ... -
Taking Responsibility Brings Healing
Gurudev, how do I forgive those who have abused me emotionally and physically. I still have to deal with these people daily? Sometimes I feel like killing them but even that doesn’t seem like enough punishment for them. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I want you to ... -
The Power Of Inner Stillness
The true nature of our soul is obscured by three things:1. Desire: It could be any desire. 'I don't want to have any desire', is also a desire.2. Intellect: Which means the judging, discriminating, knowing faculty in us.3. Ego: Ego is 'I am somebody'. The ...