What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. How to Deepen Your Meditation

    (Below is a continuation of the post Realizing The Subtle Truths) Yesterday, someone was telling me about a unique quality of the Gir cow (an indigenous native breed of cows) we have in India. People in Gujarat who breed the Gir cow in their farms have ev ...
  2. What Is A Sign Of Growth

    (Below is a continuation of the post Why Good Poeple Should Take More Responsibility) Is there a “right” way, or, is it all an illusion? Is there something that needs to be DONE here, or is just BEING here good enough? How to know what one should do next? ...
  3. Be Happy And Make Others Happy Too

    Be happy and content!We should think about two main goals for ourselves in life:#1. What is it that you want to achieve in life.#2. What do you wish to give or contribute to society before you leave this planet.Both these goals should go hand in hand in l ...
  4. Why Good People Should Take More Responsibility

    (Below is a continuation of the post Be Happy And Make Others Happy Too) I am a doctor, what can I do for the world, and whom can I help? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a lot you can do. You can do research. A doctor’s words carry a lot of importance for ...
  5. Journey Back To The Source

    There is a story about Silence. Once there was a Guru who had four disciples, who were observing a period of silence. In the evening after their meditation, the four disciples were taking a nature walk; just as we do here in the Ashram.Now, it is usually ...
  6. How To Save A Strained Relationship

    Below is a continuation of the post Journey Back To The Source) How do I handle racism and bullying? I am victimized. How do I handle this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First of all get out of this victim consciousness. When you feel you are a victim, you keep l ...
  7. What It Means To Have Faith

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Four Pillars Of Knowledge) 3. Titiksha: Titiksha means forbearance. It means the ability to endure even that which is not of your liking. Now, it is not possible that every time you will have everything go as per y ...
  8. Walking Towards Liberation

    (Below is a continuation of the post What It Means To Have Faith) There are three ways that one can have wealth. One way is the way of inheritance, like how we acquire the wealth of our parents and ancestors, or by winning some lottery. Then we need to ta ...
  9. The Four Pillars Of Knowledge

    Q: Gurudev, what are the four pillars of Knowledge? How can they be useful for both inner and outer growth? Please explain the secret behind them. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The first pillar of knowledge is Discrimination, which is also called as Vivek ...
  10. I Am Love And So Are You

    Gurudev, what is Mahakaal? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Kaal means ‘time’ and mahakaal means ‘grand time’. Grand time is that which is beyond all human explanation or comprehension. It is that which creates a want in you and also makes you lose your ground. And ...