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  1. Prestani pušiti, počni živjeti

    Is every other year’s resolution, but only this time a precious reality. Ujval Shankar, the initiator of the campaign, Stop Smoking, Start Living, shares the time he crossed over and came out clean on the other side, “I joined the Art of Living about eigh ...
  2. Selo u Gani dobiva očnog liječnika nakon 8 godina

    Nakon osam godina stanovnici malog zaseoka Keta dobili su pristup očnoj njezi. Jednodnevni očni kamp, koji se održao 15. travnja 2011., promijenio je život 700 Ganaca. "Ljudi iz ovog kraja poznati su po tome što ih pogađaju razne bolesti oka," p ...
  3. Ruke gore za djecu u Nairobiju

    It all began in 2009. Based in Lamu, Kenya as an Art of Living Part 1 and Art Excel teacher, Monika Fauth organized the Art of Living Stand Up and Take Action supporting the Millennium Development Goals. Inspired by the results Monika, together with the I ...