Što je Sudarshan Kriya?

Sudarshan Kriya uključuje posebne prirodne ritmove disanja koji usklađuju tijelo, um i osjećaje. Ova jedinstvena tehnika disanja otklanja stres, umor i negativne emocije poput ljutnje, frustracije i depresije. Čini te smirenim, ali i punim energije; usredotočenim, ali i opuštenim.

Tajna Daha

Utjecaj emocija kroz dah Europski znanstvenici otkrili su da je dah, veza između uma i tijela - svaka emocija nosi različit obrazac disanja. Na primjer, kada smo: Ljuti: Naše disanje je plitko i ubrzano Tužni: Naše disanje je duboko i usporeno Isto tako, vrijedi i obrnuto, disanje u određenom ritmu može izazvati odgovarajuće emocije. Dakle, umjesto da smo preplavljeni našim emocijama, možemo ih transformirati pomoću posebnih tehnika disanja. Kroz Sudarshan Kriyu možemo naučiti vještinu korištenja daha kako bi promijenili način na koji se osjećamo. Stoga, otpuštanje negativnih emocija koje uzrokuju stres, kao što su ljutnja, tjeskoba, depresija i zabrinutost, ostavljaju um potpuno opušten, radostan i pun energije.

Razlozi za naučiti Sudarshan Kriyu

Više energije i veća sreća

Sudarshan Kriya reduces stress and fatigue while increasing positive emotions and energy levels.

Kontrola nad mislima i osjećajima

Sudarshan Kriya pojačava osjećaj mira i sposobnost da se bolje nosimo s emotivnim reakcijama.

Više produktivnosti

Veći kapacitet obavljanja više stvari odjednom i lakšeg odlučivanja.


Sudarshan Kriya potiče moždane funkcije, rad hormona i imunološkog sustava, njene dobrobiti dopiru do razine DNK.

Popravi svoje odnose

Sudarshan Kriya značajno pojačava osjećaje društvene povezanosti, te prirodno poboljšava odnose s ljudima u tvojoj okolini.

Pomoć kod depresije

Sudarshan Kriya dokazano smanjuje anksioznost i depresiju, te povećava optimizam i staloženost.

Istraživanja o Sudarshan Kriyi™

Otkrij snagu Art of Living vježbi disanja

65 independent studies on Sudarshan Kriya & related practices

From reducing stress to getting better rest, these techniques have a demonstrated measurable impact on quality of life.

Over 60 independent studies conducted on four continents and published in peer review journals have demonstrated a comprehensive range of benefits from practicing Sudarshan Kriya™ and related breathing exercises taught on the Art of Living Happiness Program.

Research says

Hormones Decrease
Serum Cortizol
Deep Sleep
Hormones Increase

Featured Articles

Yoga for Anxiety and Depression

A Harvard University health publication describes research on the Sudarshan Kriya's effects on anxiety, stress, depression and over health, saying it "shows promise in providing relief for depression".

Describes Sudarshan Kriya’s effects on anxiety, stress, depression, and overall health, saying it "shows promise in providing relief for depression".

The Easy Breathing Technique That Can Lower Your Anxiety 44%

In the study cited by Prevention Magazine not only did people's anxiety reduce 44% but it lasted for 6 months.

Plus, "depression, phobias, and hostility, among others—also fell by 45%. And many people reported better sleep, improved self-awareness, and even fewer PMS symptoms."

The Truth About Memory Loss

The Art of Living breathing exercises were featured in a recent documentary on brain health called “The Truth About Memory Loss: Reducing, Repairing, and Reversing the signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia”.

The film reveals some breakthrough science on a health epidemic expected to affect 40% of all baby boomers (40M Americans), including how Art of Living breathing exercises boost brain health and reduce 5 of the 6 major risk factors for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Research Slides

Sudarshan Kriya & related Practices


The Happiness Program is for overall well-being and vitality, rest and rejuvenation.

The information contained on the page you just visited describes results from research studies, based on an adaptation of the standard Happiness Program to special needs groups.

The Happiness Program is not designed to treat or alleviate clinical symptoms. If you suspect you may have a clinical condition, consult your health care professional before deciding whether to enroll in our program.


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