There are many quick ways to boost our energy levels when we are down. Did you know that when you are low on energy, you have more negative thoughts? And too many thoughts drain your energy and tire you mentally. Here are six easy and simple tips to help you top up your energy levels:

You become what you eat
Stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy food, and bad food habits create toxins in the body, which drain our energy levels. Having easily digestible foods like vegetables and fiber-rich green leafy veggies are energizing, especially when consumed in appropriate quantity. The stomach is as big as the joined palms, as in the anjali mudra. That is the quantity required for each meal. Eating small meals every few hours provides the brain with a constant supply of nutrients. This also helps to keep fatigue away. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking large quantities of water. Good amount of fluid is necessary to put out toxins from the body. So, go ahead. Replace the burger with an apple.

A good night’s sleep
Our body is energized after a good night’s sleep of around 6-8 hours. Too less or too much of sleep causes fatigue and lethargy. So how does a sound sleep energize us? It is during sleep that the mind, body and the breath are in synchronized rhythm thereby eliminating the entire day’s stress.

Simply breathe it out
Maximum toxins are thrown out of the body through breath when the exhalation and inhalation is happening in the correct way. Pranayama, such as the Bhastrika pranayama, is one of the best energizers. Just a few rounds can boost your energy levels. Powerful breathing techniques like the Sudarshan Kriya releases the accumulated stress.

Recharge yourself with yoga
The practice of yoga will make you feel refreshed, more energetic and happier. These asanas can be part of your yoga sequence:
- The tree pose is a great rejuvenator.
- The sitting half spinal twist pose helps to expand lung capacity, thereby increasing oxygen levels. The result? More energy.
- The downward facing dog pose is equally energy pumping as the posture strengthens the chest muscles, boosting the lung capacity.
- Wind up a fast-paced yoga session with the corpse pose.

A happy state of mind
Have you noticed how you feel when your mind is not worrying about the future ? or when you are not caught up in the past? You are simply happy and feel the freedom. Such a state of mind can become habitual when the mind is trained to be so which is possible through meditation. You can start with any of the guided meditations.

Being committed
A consistent practice of yoga, breathing practices, and meditation can keep you fresh and energetic. This regular regime will let you have a peaceful mind, a healthy and disease free body and a positive spirit. These quick tips should help you kick lethargy out of life in no time and are easy-to-follow ways to stay energized. However, if you have been feeling lethargic for a prolonged period, and your personal or professional life is getting affected by it, then consulting a physician is highly recommended.

These quick tips should help you kick lethargy out of life in no time. However, if you have been feeling lethargic for a prolonged period of time, and your personal or professional life are getting affected by it, then consulting a physician is highly recommended. Learn here how yoga can also help you stay energized naturally and enhance your personal as well as professional life.