Wellness and Lifestyle
3 - step guide to beat stress and attain peace of mind
Benefits of the Vagus nerve

Wellness and Lifestyle
Meditation: Stilling the Traffic of Thoughts
Understanding how small things impact the mind

Wellness and Lifestyle
My emotional garbage swept away by yoga
Inner strength, harmony, and happiness

Women in Business
Most influential women in India
Lessons from the first woman chairman of the State Bank of India

Women in Business
How to Win Hearts and Influence People, the Croatian President Edition!
Supporting your team through the ups and downs

Social projects
What really happened at Paigam-e-Mohabbat in Kashmir
Can we trust the media to portray the truth?

Social projects
Igniting Transformation
Channelizing the energy of the community to create transformation

7 Parenting tips to handle negative emotions and to stop aggression in children
Nurture the values of Non-Aggression

Recognizing the Strength of a Women
“Women can glue the differences and bring people of diverse natures together.” Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wellness and Lifestyle
Happiness: A critical asset for Agents of Change
Scientific research on the effectiveness of breath

Wellness and Lifestyle
How to Improve Your Digestion with Ayurveda
Discover 6 Miracle Ayurvedic Herbs to Boost Gut Health

Woman Empowerment
Here’s Why This UN Staff Member is Joining the International Women's Conference
Celebrating diversity and encouraging women to find their place in society