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  1. HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar appeals for communal harmony in Orissa

    BANGALORE: His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has appealed to the people of Orissa to come together. “I appeal to all the people of Orissa to come together at this great moment of a terrible tension. We should let go of the past and move on to the f ...
  2. Being

    Knowing is not the realm of the heart –Being is the realm of the heart. What IS and knows that is the being! ...

    Spontaneity carries awareness.Impulsiveness comes out of emotional disturbance; spontaneity comes from a quiet and calm state of mind. Creativity is always spontaneous. ...

    If you are not free, you cannot love – freedom is the first thing. So, when you become free, you are able to love unconditionally. When you can love unconditionally, you will be skillful in your dealings. ...

    Health is not mere absence of disease; Health is being established in the self. Health is the dynamic expression of life! ...
  6. PEACE

    Peace is your very nature, your innate nature- it cannot go away from you ...
  7. Sign of Yoga

    Sign of uniting, or sign of yoga, is coming to yourself, your mind settling into your being, your source, with your original nature. ...
  8. Feverishness

    When feverishness clogs your head, your mind is not clear; poetry cannot dawn on that. If there is feverishness, any creative thought will not come. ...
  9. How big is your mind?

    One single thought in the mind can restrict your awareness, the totality of awareness. How big is your mind? How vast is your life? There are so many things in life. One small, insignificant thought, insignificant thing, can clog and cloud your whole awar ...
  10. Power of knowledge

    This is the role of knowledge: in knowledge, you smile and laugh at the event. You grow out of the event with the power of knowledge. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More