Bërja e jetës festim
modernen për t'ju ndihmuar të krijoni një jetë me qëllim, gëzim dhe besim
Zhvillimi i personalitetit
Përvoja shpirtërore
Familja dhe marrëdhëniet
Kurset e ardhshme të Artit të të Jetuarit
Program e ardhshme të Artit të të Jetuarit
Falënderoni veten që keni vendosur për t’u hapur për mundësitë e reja të jetës.
Programet e Artit të të Jetuarit ofrojnë:
- Vegla praktike si Sudarshan Krija
- Yoga and Meditation to unlock your fullest potential
- Ways to easy stress relief and enhance all aspects of your life
Participants learn:
- Heal and harmonize the body, mind and spirit
- Skills to handle the mind and negative emotions
- Practical wisdom to improve relationships
Learn Sudarshan Kriya
Sudarshan Kriya®: A powerful breathing technique to discover your unlimited power and freedom - not as a concept, but as a direct experience.
Awareness and Smiles
"The Art of Living Part 1 program gave me awareness about who I am, what I feel and what I want. Sudarshan Kriya gave me lightness and I started to wear a smile daily."
~ Karolina, Writer, LithuaniaCalm & Creative
As a freelance photographer, being creative, you have to be clear of any inhibitions. Only a settled frame of mind can be creative. Creativity dawns as a by-product of meditation and spirituality.
~ Pankaj Anand, Artist, Mumbai, India
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About Us
One of the largest volunteer-based NGOs
Operates in 180 countries
Touched the lives of 450 million people
Founded in 1981 by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar