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  1. Part 1 Testimonial_70

    Naxalite from Bihar We were indoctrinated with words of confrontation and hatred. Now, Gurudev has filled our lives with love and we want to spread love, not hatred. ...
  2. Part 1 Testimonial_63

    Student Totally awesome. Have managed to lose the craving and urge to smoke, take alcohol & other behavior patterns that were destructive. Inner peace & peaceful sleep. The entire nervous system feels flushed. Stamina has also increased. ...
  3. Part 1 Testimonial_64

    I had a great time with the advance course. I think everyone came a better person. My personal health seems improved. I am finding that I am more tolerant to my own self these days. This means that I do not indulge into drinking and other bad habits as so ...
  4. Part 1 Testimonial_66

    The performance of our staff has remarkably improved which also showed in the business results and the way we met our targets... ...
  5. Part 1 Testimonial_62

    (12 years old) This course was very exciting. We learnt new games. It was educational. We learnt new breathing techniques. We also learnt to put 100% concentration on anything we do. Overall it was an amazing adventure. ...
  6. Part 1 Testimonial_59

    Office of Social Security Development, Panama I feel that this is the most beautiful thing I have ever got in my life. There were a lot of blood clots in my leg. These things are gone. There is no pain anymore. I am so happy. ...
  7. Part 1 Testimonial_58

    Coordinator, I work in the Curundu area with high-risk youth. Because they are a pretty difficult group but through the programs of the project we have seen the change in them.... Some of the boys have always lived this system of violence, drug traffickin ...
  8. Part 1 Testimonial_61

    There were no jobs in the village. Farming was not very lucrative which is why I got into bad company in the first place. Today, I am in charge of all the Art of Living work for my area. My whole life has been transformed. ...
  9. Part 1 Testimonial_57

    Art of Living Teacher, Nairobi, Kenya, (After teaching a Breath-Water-Sound workshop for street boys, in Kangemi Slums, Kenya from Oct. 4-8, 2005) By the end of the course, I got to know 35 wonderful individuals who had not experienced for a moment in the ...
  10. Part 1 Testimonial_55

    It feels like I slip into meditation while I am still moving the body. After I began doing Sri Sri Yoga, I feel that my Aikido and gymnastics practice has become much smoother. My joints and entire body have become more flexible. It has a calming effect o ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More