A Unique opportunity to recharge yourself and explore your true potentials…
Workshop Content:
- This 10-12 hours workshop provides a good experience of all aspects of yoga, including:
- Rejuvenating Asanas
- Energizing Pranayamas
- Blissful Meditations
- Development of a personal yoga practice
- Practical Diet Tips
- Nadi Pariksha (optional)
- Ayurveda and much more…
Take Aways:
- Hand out of unique Sri Sri Yoga sequence
- Some excellent health and yoga related articles and tips on regular basis through our website
- Simple, Effective and Fun to practice
- Learn yoga systematically with personal attention
Follow Up Practice:
- Weekly follow ups available at AOL centers to continue your practice/li>
- Regular Sri Sri Yoga sessions available in certain cities of India (For more details: info@srisriyoga.in)
None. Beginner to Advance Level
Weekend residential retreat: At Art of Living International Center, Bangalore, Every weekend, Fri – Sun
To register: www.bangaloreashram.org
Non-residential workshops: 5 days, @ 2 hours each – This happen all over India.
To register: www.artofliving.org/in-en/search/course
Our teachers:
Kamlesh Barwal
Dinesh Kashikar
Swami Gnantej
Girin Govind
Dr Sejal Shah
And many more…

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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