Live simple, think high and do what you can for the society

18 Mar 2011
You know we are entering into 30 years of the ‘Art of Living’. On one hand it is a very sweet experience but on the other hand it is very bitter to see that today there is a big crisis in the world, in Japan. You must have heard about the news from the internet and the television. On one hand we are happy we are bringing more human values in the society, we are bringing people towards spirituality, making them realize the bigger picture of life as such, and on the other hand we have to see how we can contribute as individuals to lessen the burden that natural calamities are causing.

Today it is Japan, tomorrow it could be somewhere else, so it is not about just going and giving relief or equipment to people but to see how this world can be free from animosity, free from exploitation of nature. The whole Earth is one organism, so the Earth listens. Nature has life, so we need to honor nature and I think prayer, meditation will go a long way in bringing such a transformation in the society. So we all have to think from a bigger context, from a bigger perspective about life, about this universe, about our existence and this is what spirituality is all about. We need to bring more and more spiritual knowledge to people. We all can lessen the burden of consumerism of the planet; live simple, think high and do what you can for the society.
So this prayer meeting, the International Cultural Meet that we will be having in Germany will be geared to create such an awareness. Life is short, you never know when everything comes to an end, so as long as we are here let us make the best use of our time, our energy and our life and let us bring more smiles and happiness in life to other people and nature loves this attitude. It is because people have become so hard in their hearts and minds that nature also becomes very cruel and hard. See when attitude of people, their mind changes, their stress level comes down, nature will also respond to us in a similar fashion. Of course destruction is part of creation, things get created and then they get destroyed but man-made calamities are man’s interference in nature’s design which is a matter of big concern for everyone, isn’t it?

So I would like every country to think how you would like to come forward and bring spiritual knowledge, bring peace, solace and love in your own country. In every city, in every province we should think of how we can bring the ancient wisdom, ancient knowledge to people and make them come together and realize that we are all part of one global human family.

I hope to see you all in Berlin, plan to come to Berlin and bring all your friends, family and tell everyone else. Let everyone come and we will have a great meditation for world peace.

You know we just wrote a small slogan, ‘Just let the silence speak of a peace you seek, feel the love divine because every shining star tells you who we are in the grand design’.

Now if you have some questions, requests or botheration you can send them to me by email. 120 Satsang groups were all together today, mainly from Europe. Let us all plan what you would like to present in the 30th year celebration in Berlin and what we can together do in every province to bring more awareness about meditation, about living life from the core of our heart, from the depth of our heart.


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