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  1. Jan Lokpal Bill: Anna Hazare's movement making new history: Sri Sri Ravishankar

    "I congratulate the team, inspite of all the allegations, they held their head high and continued their resolve without bending down," he said. Ravishankar said the movement is making a "new history as it is totally non-violent." "A saint has sat on a fast ...
  2. Entire nation supports Anna, says Sri Sri

    “Guru Gobind Singh once said that saint should become soldier but in this case the soldier has become the saint,” he said, referring to Anna Hazare’s military background. “From Kollam in Kerala to Jammu and Kashmir, from Kanpur to Junagadh, in places as fa ...
  3. Little acts make a big difference at protest site

    Small, a well-meaning initiatives like supporting Anna Hazare's fight for a strong Jan Lokpal have turned it into a national movement. Software engineer Kshama Jain has been with the agitation at Balgandharva Chowk since it began. She reaches the spot at 7 ...
  4. Year of Yoga Tribute to yoga’s harmonizing power

    Sri Lanka,  1st Dec. 2011 - 31st Dec. 2012 Sri Lanka is all set to create a new experience with the art and science of yoga. The Year of Yoga Worldwide (December 2011-December 2012) is a tribute from Sri Lanka to commemorate the 30 years of Art of Living's ...
  5. Sri Sri’s advice: Trust and talks will break the ice

    "When an MP gets 11% votes, almost 80% have voted against him. Then why should we listen to him? Anna has already said the government is the 'sevak' and the public is the 'malik'. The bureaucracy has to shelve its arrogance and let the public's voice reach ...
  6. Anna can fast at Ramlila Maidan for 7 days: Police

    The Delhi Police are reported to have accepted all six demands of social activist Anna Hazare, who wants to sit on indefinite fast as part of his campaign for a strong Lokpal. Sources said Team Anna would be allowed to sit on fast at Ramlila Maidan, instea ...
  7. I Meditate NY Partners With BMW Guggenheim Lab To Offer Meditation To Busy New Yorkers

    I Meditate NY has partnered with the BMW Guggenheim Lab to offer a free Urban Meditation Series on Saturday mornings at 10:30am through October 13, 2011. Launched less than six months ago, I Meditate NY’s goal is to increase awareness of the powerful benef ...
  8. Towards freedom from corruption

    We need people of character and honesty to check corruption. Corruption begins where a sense of belonging ends. Corruption is present at many levels of society; the first level is in the minds of the general public. We tell God that if you do this work of ...
  9. Humanitarian Organisation Art Of Living Takes To The Streets Of London With Its Message Of Non Violence

    Humanitarian organization Art of Living is leading its volunteers to the streets of London to offer post-traumatic courses to Londoners left feeling vulnerable and shocked after the riots, which began in Tottenham on Saturday. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar* ...
  10. Make efforts to excel in life: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to people

    “If you are fine, try to be the best and subsequently strive for excellence,” Ravi Shankar said during a talk show at Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School at Raj Bagh. Scores of students, people including Commissioner Secretary Forest department, S ...