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  1. Art of Living gears up to host its 30 year celebrations

    Bangalore. June 21. 2011. The Art of living will celebrate its 30th anniversary in Berlin with the ‘World Culture Festival’ on the 2 and 3 July, 2011 where more than 70,000 people across 151 countries will congregate with an aim of ‘Celebrating diversity a ...
  2. Can breath really make me happy, Guru Sri Sri (Ravi) Shankar?

    BERLIN - Bangalore, 2007, the South India. 2.5 million people silently listen to the words of their master Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, one of the great thinkers of our time. At the "World Culture Festival" (2 / 3 July) in the Olympic stadium, he wants to ...
  3. The World Culture Festival: Together for Peace. Come and participate

    A Major Peace Event with International Music, Dance, Meditation, Yoga, Wisdom, and Symposiums Brought Together by the Art of Living Foundation, 70,000 People from Six Continents to Join at Berlin’s Historic Olympiastadion, July 2-3 In an era of widespread ...
  4. Ghana Wakes Up To Dreams & Drums

    By Anirudh Singh A focus on service, an eye for change, a leap of faith, and the resounding music of drums was all it took to bring alive the sleepy hamlet of Keta in Ghana. Indeed this is how the story of a simple Ghana drum brought about transformation t ...
  5. Sri Sri’s father, Acharya Sri Ratnananda passes away

    Bangalore. June 8. 2011 Acharya Sri Ratnanandaji, fondly remembered as Pitaji by The Art of Living family worldwide, passed away in the early hours today in Bangalore. He was 87 years old. He leaves behind his illustrious son, Param Poojya Gurudev Sri Sri ...
  6. Anna Hazare- Fast breaking speech

    April 2011,Anna Hazare speaks after breaking his fast unto death for the Lokpal Bill: Anna Hazare: “Today you all saw how enthusiastically and strongly we won! I speak for all the people who encouraged us to continue this endeavour, gave us inspiration an ...
  7. Waves of Divine Beauty

    Bhanu Didi Spirituality is a journey from the outer world of names and forms to the subtle world of energies, to the innermost core of our being - the Self. The nature of the Self is described as Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram – Truth, Tranquility and Innocen ...
  8. Understanding Hinduism with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    What is Hinduism? What are its timeless principles? Who is a true Hindu? What is the significance and meaning behind the various rituals and traditions followed in Hinduism? Why are so many gods and goddesses worshiped in this religion?Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi ...
  9. YouTube Features The Art of Living Channel as a Live Streaming Option

    “Chanting of the Bhagavad Gita” is offered as a featured live stream in YouTube’s curated programs Technology has given spirituality an online boost when recently YouTube began featuring Art of Living’s “Chanting of the Bhagavad Gita” program on its live s ...
  10. Hers: A silent evolution

    Enlightenment is a state where one is totally at ease with oneself. It is a state of relaxed awareness; an inner state transcending identities of faith, nationality or gender and beyond outer behaviour. All spiritual practices like yoga and meditation faci ...