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  1. Quelling Communal Fire

    Godhra Riots (India, 2002) Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been at the forefront of proactive action to foster communal harmony in India. When communal riots broke out between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat in 2002, he not only rushed a team of volunteers ...
  2. Easing Tensions in a Disputed Land

    Amarnath Land Dispute (2008) Gurudev helped resolve religious tensions and violence that had escalated over the Amarnath land dispute in Kashmir, Northern India. Amarnath Shrine, in Muslim dominated Kashmir, is an important Hindu pilgrimage site. Yet it l ...
  3. Resolving a Deadlock Between the Government and the People

    Sri Sri mediates between agitating Gujjars, state government  To provide solace to the protesting Gujjars, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar met 50,000 members of the Gujjar community on the rail tracks of Pilukapura, Rajasthan on June 10, 2008. Significantly, it was ...
  4. Sri Lanka: Strengthening the foundations of dialogue and peace

    Since 2004, Gurudev has constructively engaged with the Government of Sri Lanka, Parliamentarians and the erstwhile Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to resolve the Sri Lankan conflict. The conclusion of the war in May 2009 saw the continuation of h ...
  5. 21,000 people meet for Tamil Mega Choir for peace

    22nd January 2011 – Batticaloa, Eastern Province of Sri Lanka: Batticaloa in Eastern Sri Lanka witnessed a spectacular mega choir with the rendition of the Thevaram (Tamil devotional poetry) by a record 21,000 people from all walks of life. The event was ...
  6. Sri Lankan Cricketers Find Healing Touch in Art of Living

    Sri Lankan cricket team captain Kumar Sangakkara called on His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji in Colombo. He thanked His Holiness and the Art of Living for helping Sri Lankan cricket team to come out of trauma after the Lahore attack. The team ha ...
  7. Trauma relief testimonial10

    age 26 “I had decided to go back to my anti-depressants before this (The Art of Living) course, but now I don’t need them. I will practice these techniques every single day for the rest of my life. I only hope other people are lucky enough to take this co ...
  8. Trauma relief testimonial9

    “I’ve been suffering from a loss of concentration, weak memory and extreme anger. Now I feel as if something heavy has been lifted from my back.” ...
  9. Trauma relief testimonial8

    “I found that this training of breathing is so useful and its benefit shows when I do it. I feel that my heart is stronger and younger. When I can’t sleep I just do the breathing and I feel energy in all parts of my body.” ...
  10. Trauma relief testimonial7

    “I feel peace with myself and have less stress. I think if I continue with the practice, this feeling of peace will continue to grow.” ...