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  1. Trauma relief testimonial6

    "Before this experience, I was sad, depressed and starting to lose hope because of the situation here in Iraq. Now, after only four days, I feel confident in myself – happier, have hopes and dreams again and I feel that life is so beautiful. I have s ...
  2. Trauma relief testimonial5

    “I had a wonderful experience in these four days. I feel better, like my head is clear and that oxygen is entering every cell in my body… thank you for sharing this experience with us.” ...
  3. Trauma relief testimonial4

    “I’ve been chronically depressed and on medication for years. I’m no longer depressed or take medication. Since taking the Art of Living Course, I’ve learned to live in the now… less concerned about the past and the future.” ...
  4. Trauma relief testimonial3

    “I feel like I went through a mental shower. Before, I was very angry and very sad about everything in the past. Now I’m just filled with joy and gratitude.” ...
  5. Trauma relief testimonial2

    age 24 “I can’t really begin to tell you the emotional and psychological feelings I’m having now after the course. The peace, serenity, and exhilaration I have got from doing the breathing techniques have me more euphoric than any drug I’ve ever taken, an ...
  6. Trauma relief testimonial1

    Baghdad "We are grateful to Gurudev. He is very wise and has a lot of knowledge. And he stands for peace, which is very important for Iraq" ...
  7. Hitesh Sharma

    Hitesh Sharma, the Deputy Excise and Taxation Commissioner of Himachal Pradesh and a senior Art of Living teacher is known for playing different roles that help draw out dispassion, contentment and enthusiasm from those around him. Recognizing his abiliti ...
  8. Creating a peaceful society

    Introduction Since early 2005, The Art of Living has been playing a proactive role to find an amicable solution to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, by trying to engage all parties concerned, including the government, parliamentarians and Liberation Tiger ...
  9. Peace_Trauma_Relief_Testimonial_16

    Disabled war veteran, Kosovo I heard them calling me for help. I often jumped from my bed searching for the gun, and afterwards I could not sleep. After the program, I sleep much better, and flashbacks and nightmares have reduced. ...
  10. Peace_Trauma_Relief_Testimonial_14

    Retired director, Association of Disabled KLA Veterans I have experienced great relief from anger, irritability, sleep disorders and depression and have witnessed more healing in many veterans who have attended the program. ...