
Search results

  1. Sri Sri Yoga

    In Sri Sri Yoga, the techniques of Yoga are taught in a light, joyful and thorough manner – equally useful and suitable for different levels of Yoga students, from beginners to advanced. Sri Sri Yoga beautifully combines all the following aspects – Yoga A ...
  2. What is Sri Sri Yoga?

    Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline, both gentle and powerful, that integrates elements from the different paths of yoga, especially Hatha yoga, uniting the body, mind and breath in awareness. Here the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to you in a joyful ...
  3. Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training Course

    Become an Sri Sri Yoga Teacher The Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training Certification Programs are an excellent opportunity for those interested in teaching yoga, or for those who would just like to enrich their spiritual experiences and bring more discipline in ...
  4. Sri Sri Yoga Level 1

        “Joga reiškia būti be liūdesio ir išvengti liūdesio, kuris gali kilti ateityje.” – Gurudev Šri Šri Ravi Šankaras     Patirk kūno, kvėpavimo ir proto susijungimą, džiaugsmingai atlikdamas jogos padėtis Šri Šri jogos 1 lygyje. Meditacijos ir kitos atsip ...
  5. Šri Šri jogos 2 lygis

    Pašalink nuodus iš kūno, įtampą iš proto Ar ieškai tobulų atostogų tik su savimi, galimybės lepinti ir mylėti savo kūną, laiko užmiršti visą savo nerimą ir pilnai atsipalaiduoti ramioje vietoje? Laukia visa tai ir daugiau Šri Šri jogos 2 lygio kurse. Kurs ...
  6. Sri Sri Yoga Practice

    The Sri Sri Yoga is primarily Hatha Yoga, integrated with other paths of yoga for full blossoming of human potential. In the Sri Sri Yoga, wisdom and a combination of gentle yet effective series of asanas/postures and pranayamas are taught for the well-be ...
  7. Sri Sri Yoga Experiences

    I was suffering from severe back pain for 5 to 6 months. I went for many treatments, ayurvedic and allopathic, but none had long-term effects. I was told about this wonderful course – Sri Sri Yoga. I am so glad to share that after the course I got relieve ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More