“Joga reiškia būti be liūdesio ir išvengti
liūdesio, kuris gali kilti ateityje.”
– Gurudev Šri Šri Ravi Šankaras
Patirk kūno, kvėpavimo ir proto susijungimą, džiaugsmingai atlikdamas jogos padėtis Šri Šri jogos 1 lygyje. Meditacijos ir kitos atsipalaidavimo technikos padeda tau giliai atsipalaiduoti, įgyti energijos ir išgyti. Ar tu esi jogos pradedantysis ar net praktikuoji reguliariai, kiekvienas ras ką nors sau Šri Šri jogos 1 lygyje.
Ko tikėtis Šri Šri jogos 1 lygyje?
Sukurtame Šri Šri Ravi Šankaro, šiame 10 valandų Šri Šri jogos kurse yra:
Lengvų apšilimų, švelnių pasitempimų ir stiprai juntamų jogos padėčių derinys pilnai kūno mankštai. Kaip jogos pozos tau padeda?
Patempia, suderina ir sustiprina kūno raumenis
Padeda numesti svorio
Išvalo sistemą nuo toksinų ir padeda gydyti negalavimus
Pranayamas (breathing techniques) that help calm the mind and are a powerful technique for relaxation.
Why breathing techniques are good for you?
Increase oxygen supply to the heart and blood
Excellent purifier for the entire system
Release the stress accumulated in the body and mind
Guided meditations that lead you to a state of deep relaxation.
Meditation is like a pampering spa treatment. Why?
Heals several body ailments naturally
Reduces anxiety and develops emotional stability
Increases intuitive ability
Improves concentration
Brings clarity and peace of mind
Simple tips that can be easily integrated into day-to-day living: Learn how yoga helps to deal with daily stresses, improve relationships with people around you and enhance the skill in handling a situation better with an everlasting smile.
Understanding of healthy living through Ayurveda. Identify your unique body type and follow a balanced natural diet that complements it.
What’s more – you can even consult a Sri Sri Yoga teacher during the course to chalk out a personal yoga plan to specifically work towards your needs.
What Sri Sri Yoga Course participants say?
I felt so energized and refreshed after my first Sri Sri Yoga
Level 1 Course. In fact, today if I miss practicing yoga in the
morning, my body keeps telling me it is missing something!
– Mukta Behere, Content Writer
My back pain disappeared! I feel stronger and more peaceful.
– Neeraj, MD Gastroenterology
I feel blissful and forgot my work tensions. I’m smiling again.
– Konark, Project Lead, BCG
I am not scared to do yoga anymore!
– Cathleen, Interior Designer
Each and every state must organize such a wonderful
course so that they need not build hospitals.
Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 course format
Join Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 in your neighborhood or treat yourself to a yoga retreat while staying in one of our beautiful, scenic Art of Living centers.
In your neighborhood, the Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 Course is offered as a five-day workshop, either consecutive or weekly, for two hours each day.
For the residential course at Art of Living centers, one can take a yoga holiday on any weekend in a peaceful and serene environment.
For the non-residential course at Art of Living centers, five sessions are spread over two weekends (Sat-Sun-Fri-Sat-Sun) for two hours each day.
The course format may vary from place to place; please check with a center near you.
Eligible age to join the course: 14+ years