Meklēšanas rezultāti
Skola bez agresijas (NAP)
Programma „Skola bez agresijas” (NAP- Non Agression Program) Organizācija „Art Of Living” (Dzīves māksla) kopā ar Starptautisko Vispārcilvēcisko Vērtību asociāciju (International Association for Human Values) ir izveidojusi šo programmu, lai ar spēļu, ats ... -
Rural Development
The Rural development Program of The Art of Living is predominantly driven by the yuvacharyas. The yuvacharyas are the youth from the local communities in the villages who have undergone the Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP). This gives them the sk ... -
A Revolution for Education Free School Education Program Ved Vignan Maha Vidhya Peeth (VVMVP) was the first rural school started by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981. It started when Gurudev observed some local children playing in the dust near The ... -
Disaster Relief
With its worldwide network of volunteers, the Art of Living Foundation is often able to respond swiftly to disasters anywhere in the world, providing physical and mental relief as well as material aid. Through this network, The Art of Living Foundation ha ... -
"The past years have been very challenging in the world scenario. We have seen a number of agitations flaring up almost everywhere. It is easy to create an agitation in today’s society. The frustration & stress levels are high. Any just cause can ... -
Environmental Care
The Art of Living Foundation, with its roots in spirituality, has nurtured a deep respect for our planet in thousands of people around the world. The earth may be made up of rocks, sand and water, but spirituality can help us to perceive our planet as a l ... -
Women Empowerment
EMPOWERING WOMEN SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY The Art of Living Foundation’s programmes provide a solid foundation that nurtures the inner strength, creativity and self-esteem of women from all walks of life. With this base established well, women are able t ... -
programma- "ELPA, ŪDENS, SKAŅA"
Socialais projekts, programma- "ELPA, UDENS, SKANA" Programmas organizators: Organizacija „Art Of Living” (Dzives maksla) kopa ar Starptautisko Visparcilvecisko Vertibu asociaciju (International Association for Human Values). Merkauditorija: Pro ... -
NAP-Skola bez agresijas
Programma „Skola bez agresijas” (NAP- Non Agression Program) Organizacija „Art Of Living” (Dzives maksla) kopa ar Starptautisko Visparcilvecisko Vertibu asociaciju (International Association for Human Values) ir izveidojusi šo programmu, lai ar spelu, ats ... -
Prison Smart
"Katrā pāri darītājā ir arī upuris. Šis cilvēks arī ir upuris savai nezināšanai, šaurai uztverei un apzinātības trūkumam. Tas ir stress, plaša dzīves redzējumu trūkums, izpratnes trūkums un slikta komunikācija, kas noved pie vardarbības sabiedrībā&qu ...